Chapter 6 - I promise

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A week passed by, the interviews and advertisements. Everything was going perfect. Me and Taehyung had a nice team work. When we worked together, we'd make fun of each other, laugh our asses off at jokes he made but still get out work done in time.

I kind of started growing on him. I never had a meal with anyone other than my parent, which I mean are my real, biological mom and dad, and that was ages ago. After my mother got sick, she had to rest and have dinner on time and I was always late, so we stopped having meals together except for some rare times when my step father would call me to come home early because mom wanted to have dinner or lunch with me. Even though I knew he hated the idea of me being there.

We started eating dinner everyday, it was actually our thing, like he calls it. The project was doing surprisingly really well after Taehyung became a part of it.

Who could've guessed that Taehyung would actually be such a great help.

It was almost dark as I looked out of the window. It was around 7:30 PM.

"Thinking of me?" Taehyung said as he entered my cabin, making snap out of my thoughts.

"You wish" I said.

"Yeah, yeah! I know you were thinking of how hot I am, and how you're madly in love with me," he said.

"In your dreams asshole," I said smirking.

Before he could reply, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller id and it was my mother.

"Hello Ara!" she said and sounded like she was crying.

"Mom! What's wrong?!" I asked, getting up from my seat. My hands started shivering, my mind wasn't processing.

"Come home please?" She said.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes, just please don't worry! I'll be there the fastest I can!" I said and hung up the phone.

My hands were shivering, tears had blurred my vision.

I had to be strong.

You're made of steel Ara!

I looked at Taehyung who was looking at me with a worried expression. I took my car keys and ran towards the door almost loosing my balance.

"Ara? What's wrong?" he asked, worry written all over his face.

"I have to g-go! Mom! She-she n-needs me! Mo-mom! S-she-" before I could complete. He wrapped him arms around me.

"It'll be alright! Shh! I'm going to take you there! Just calm down okay!" before I could even process, I broke down, I was crying with my face on his chest.

He cupped my cheeks with his hands and wiped my tears before saying, "It'll be okay, I promise,"

I don't know why, but it sounded like a promise. Like he would do anything to make sure everything will be okay.

It didn't take more than 10 minutes because he drove so fast.

I took a deep breath before opening the front door, just to be welcomed by darkness. I could feel Taehyung's presence behind me as he kept his hands, supporting my back.

"Mom?" I called.


"Mom?" I called out a little louder.

Something that I always hated was darkness. It made me feel lonely. The only person I had in my life, was my mother, and darkness reminded me that I would be all alone in this world if my mother wasn't there by my side. I would be in darkness.

Before I could call her name again. The lights were suddenly turned on and I was greeted by a lot of eyes. Jieum, my mother, my step-dad, along with people whom I've worked with and the employees of our company.

"Oh my god Mom!" I said and ran to hug her. I couldn't have been more happier and relieved my entire life than I was today.

I didn't know what was going on, but I sure as hell knew that I was very grateful that my mother was okay.

"I thought something happened to you mom! I was so worried," I whispered while hugging her.

She was on her wheelchair, clearly still weak to stand up and walk around for a couple of hours. She could walk and do things, but she couldn't do it for long, it was better is she used a wheelchair for tasks that took long hours.

"Shhh, baby nothing has happened to me, we just wanted to surprise you," she said. I looked at her with a confused expression as we broke from the hug.

"Surprise?" I asked.

"Of course a surprise you idiot!" Jieum said, facepalming.

"Happy birthday princess," my mother said keeping her hands on my cheeks and kissing me on my forehead.

I had a clear look of shock on my face. How could I forget what date it was today?


With Jieum making fun of me the entire time on how I forgot my birthday. Everyone came and wished me, which included my employees, some investors, in fact I even saw Mr. Kim, as he came and wished me a happy birthday.

We talked about how the project was going and he looked surprised and impressed when I told him that Taehyung was actually doing a commendable job in the project and that we were lucky to have him.

As of Taehyung, I didn't see him throughout the party, maybe he went home because he was tired?

I knew I had to thank him for what he did for me today, so I really wished I'd see him during the party, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Just as the party was coming to the end, I made sure that my mother went back to her room to rest. I saw my step dad talking to a bunch of people, but slowly people were leaving and I made sure that they knew that I was grateful they came.

Finally, I said goodbye to the last few people as they made their way outside and was ready to go back to my room and rest. Today was a long long day. But just before I opened my room. there was an envelope stuck on the handle, and I very well knew who it was from.

Smiling, I opened the envelope and took the card out.

Hi beautiful!

Happy Birthday!

On this special day, I'd like to ask you if you'd like to go out and have dinner with me, just like how we always do, but a little different this time.

If you say yes, meet me at you backyard.

- You know who ;)

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