Chapter 11 - We're going to have to prove you wrong

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The next thing I knew was that the sun was shining brightly and my head throbbed like crazy. My eyes fell on the nightstand nd I gasped, I was going to be late.

I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I don't remember how we got home last night, Jieum probably called a driver since both of us were drunk.

I grabbed an outfit from Jieum's closet and kissed her a goodbye before walking out towards my car.

I was hung over, and I had a terrible headache. I so wasn't in an state to drive.

Just then my phone vibrated with a message from Taehyung.

Tae : Breakfast?


Tae : Coming to pick you up in 10

Me : Wait I'm @ Jieum's place, I'll send you the address

Tae : I know, love.

Before I could even think of a reply, my head started throbbing like crazy. Exactly how much did I drink last night that I feel like there's a hippopotamus jumping on my brain right now.

I didn't even realize that Taehyung was there waiting for me in his car. That's when I realized I didn't even send him the address.

"How did you get here before I even sent the address?" I asked as I got inside the car.

He chuckled at my response before speaking, "You really don't remember last night, do you?"

"Of course, I don't I drank like craz- wait, how do you know- wait what?" I asked looking at him, confusion clear on my face.

"Let's have breakfast first, shall we?" he asked as he got out of the car and opened the door for me.

We sat in one of the booths and he got me some pancakes along with a strawberry smoothie while he got some sandwiches and chocolate milkshake.

"I want your breakfast," I said and didn't even let him argue as I switched out breakfasts and started eating.

He chuckled at me before saying, "So, love, why exactly were you thinking of me yesterday?"

I choked on my sandwich, I quickly grabbed the chocolate milkshake and calmed down. That's when everything made sense and I remembered everything from last night.

"You! You!" I said pointing the straw at him. "What were you doing there? Were you stalking me?"

He chuckled, "Like I said last night, I was there with some of my dad's client and I couldn't text you because my phone died. I didn't know you were going to miss me so much love"

"I-I didn't miss you" I said focusing on my sandwich, making sure I don't choke on it again.

"Well, that's not what you said the other night," he smirked.

"Okay fine! I was disappointed that we didn't have dinner like we always did okay! Not a big deal," I said, taking a sip of my milkshake.

I felt much better after eating something, my headache was finally down.

"Aww, I didn't know you liked me that much love," he said and I turned red. I couldn't even deny it, what exactly is wrong with me.

"That look on your face, so I'm guessing you do like me," he said.

"In our dreams asshole," I said looking away. "I do not like you"

"You face doesn't suggest the same love," he said, smirking.

"Look, we're both working on a project together, and when this will be over, we'll have nothing to do with each other so even if I liked you, it wouldn't matter," I said.

His eyes hardened a little and an emotion passed through it but before I could figure anything out, he spoke, "So if I go out on dates with random girls, and flirt with them, it won't effect you?"

"Of course not," I said but deep down I knew I was lying.

He frowned before saying, "Well then guess what Ara?"


"We're going to have to prove you wrong." he said and stared at me with intensity. "Because you know what?

"What?" I asked as I released a breath that I had been holding.

"I sure as hell wouldn't like the thought of any other guy touching you"

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