Chapter 10 - You're different, love.

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"No freaking way, this is way too short," I said pointing at the dress that I was currently trying.

"Okay, what about this?" She said pulling out a purple dress.


Her mouth slightly opened, "Why? What's wrong with this dress now?"

"It's too revealing"

She groaned in frustration and went back to her closet.

"Wait" I said as I looked at the clothes that she'd spread all over the room. I picked the one that I thought was pretty decent and I went to change.

Then I stepped out in a back one piece that wasn't very revealing, it hugged by body, showing off my curves but was decent enough to make me feel comfortable.

"Neither too revealing, nor too short, what do you think?" I asked.

She scanned the dress for a but before replying, "It's nice"

"But wait, I think I have something that'd suit you in this outfit," she said.

I waited for her as she rummaged through her stuffs in her dresser. She took out a black pendant that matched my dress perfectly.

"Perfect" she said.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and waited for her to finish getting ready.

"How do I look?" Jieum said walking out of the closet after getting ready.

She wore the same purple dress that she showed me a while ago. Her hair was curled and her make up gave her a bold look.

"You look amazing," I said and she smiled.

In about 15 minutes we were at the club and the drive was pretty short.


"You know, he ignored me the whole day," I said as I lifted my glass up before gulping the content and cringing at it's taste.

She raised her eyebrows and tried her best to keep her eyes open.

"So you had dinner with two hot guys and still you day sucked?" she asked.


"Men are confusing"

"I know right"

"I think I need to pee," he said while laughing and getting up from the bar stool. I see her walk away and disappear.

I moved my shoulders and with the music and sang the lyrics along the song.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw someone taking a seat beside me but I didn't look up at him until he spoke.

"Hello, love," I turned my head and met his eyes.

I almost choked on my drink.

Wait, what?

"No freaking way," I groaned, burying my face in my hands.

Expecting him to be gone, because clearly I was drunk, I peeked, opening only one eye, but he was still there, looking at me with amusement written all over his face.

"No way I'm hallucinating you right now," I slurred while blinking furiously which made him chuckle.

"Ar-Are you real?" I blinked again and pinched his cheeks.


"Omg, I'm hallucinating aren't I?" I said.

"Why are you hallucinating me, love?" he asked.

"Because I've been thinking about you all day," I said while sighing and frowning.

The corner of his lips lifted in a smile, "You have?"

"Of course I have, you were mwad when I don't know and you were so mwad and your hands were punch, and you were gone and no dinner and i was-"

He places his finger on my lips to stop me from blabbering.

"Shhh, I think you've had enough for today," he said and removed his finger making me pout. "I think it's time to go home now"

"B-but" hiccup. "You're mad at me" I said softly.

"Hey! I'm not mad at you, I've never been mad at you okay." he said looking at me.

"Then why didn'y you have dnnnnerrrrrrr" hiccup "with me" I said crossing my arms.

"My phone died when I was going to text you, I had to meet some of my dads clients, I thought I could make it to have dinner with you but they dragged me to this club," he said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"So," hiccup "I am not mad you?"

He chuckled and cupped my cheeks with his hands, "No, I'm not mad at you"

"Good," I said smiling while I rested m head on his shoulder.

He chuckled deeply and stroked my hair and everything went blank but I heard him say,

"You're different, love."

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