Chapter 5 - When it's just the two of us

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"You know you should be thankful that such a beautiful man is working with you," Jieum said. We were sitting in my office as she told me she'd come visit me the other say.

"Yeah right!" I said, rolling my eyes, clearly annoyed the way she kept referring him to as a god.

"Omg! Imagine how cute your babies would be!" she said which make me choke on my coffee. I started coughing like crazy.

"Are you nuts?" I asked her while drinking some water and finally calming down.

"You should've seen your face. I would pay to see that reaction again," she said laughing like crazy.

"Yeah, like I would choke on my coffee and almost die just for the sake of your entertainment," I said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever! But give me all the details about what happens okay!  want to know everything!" she squealed.

"Whateverrrrrrr," I said.

After a long ass hour of chatting with my best friend, we said goodbyes.

I had to discuss about the final designs that the entire team had approved, but since Taehyung was also a part of the project now, I had to make sure that he knew about it.

I walked up to his door and knocked.

"Who is it?" he asked behind the door.

"It's Ara!" I said.

A few seconds later the door opened. I stepped inside and he closed and locked the door behind me.

"Good morning love. I hope you know I made it right on time today!" he said.

"I have a name, A-R-A, Ara, so stop calling me that," I said, annoyed by the name he called me.

He walked up to his table and sat on his seat and I sad across him.

"Why? I like that name on you," he said, smirking.

"Look, I don't want the entire office to make fu-"

"Oh! Don't worry about it! I'll call you that only when it's just the two of us," he said.

Rolling my eyes I placed the files in front of him and explained everything about the designed. He seemed pretty focused on everything I said.

"So, do you think we could finalize these designs? The entire team thinks that these are the best designs," I said.

He looked at me for a second and then back at the files. I then took out the second file and looked at the back up designs.

"Who designed these?" he asked, as he flipped through those designs.

"I did, but the finishing was done by the designing team," I said.

"And who designed these?" he asked, lifting the original file.

"It was done by the design team," I said, not understanding the point of his questions.

"So, you see Ara, here's the thing, these two designs are completely different, so we can't really say if they will be a success of we launch them at the same time," he said.

"I'm sorry but what are you trying to get at right now?" I asked.

"I'm saying that these designs are the same, I mean, of the same categories, so if we, use some of these designs," he said lifting the original file, "And some of these designs," he said lifting the back up files. "I guess we'll do better"

Honestly, I was pretty impressed by the way he explained it to me, and I didn't think it was a bad idea at all.

"I'll talk to the team about it, thank you!" I said and smiled at him.

"My pleasure, love." he said.

I got up and walked out of his cabin and headed to mine.


After a long tiring day, it was finally time to leave. I talked to the team, and they loved Taehyung's idea. Everyone supported his idea and we finalized the designs that we were going to launch. The project was almost 90% done.

Now we had some advertisement and interviews to get done. In less that 2 weeks, my mother's company would be launching the jewels and I couldn't wait for my mother to see them. After all, I did it just for her.

I never liked my step father because I knew what he was up to, but I couldn't risk him leaving mom, or even the thought of her hurting emotionally when she is this weak. My biological dad and my mother came to a mutual conclusion that they couldn't live happily together. I knew that they were only bearing with each other for my sake and I didn't want them to be unhappy because of me.

My mother moved on in life, and I never heard from my dad after that. He sent me birthday presents and cards, but I never knew where he was, or what he was up to. It's like he disappeared. It'd been two years since my mother was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, and she became weaker and weaker, and I could not see her hurting. Even though she said she was fine and the doctors kept telling me she was better, I knew how much it was hurting her and how she wasn't like she used to be.

Keeping everything aside, I stepped out of my office, just to find another note on my door. It was the same envelope, as yesterday.

I opened it, and pulled out the card that was in it.

"Dinner?- Tae"

I smiled at the writing, and walked towards his office.

"Looks like I can't have dinner without you," he said as he looked at me as I walked into his cabin.

"I have the effect sometimes," I said, jokingly.

"You know what, I think this could be out daily routine. Like our thing," he said.

"Whatever you say Mr. Kim, can we have dinner now? I'm starvinggggg," I said.

Chuckling at my reaction, he replied, "Sure, Miss Lee! I brought Italian, hoping you'd like it"

"Perfect" I said, giving him a genuine smile and he returned it with one.

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