Chapter 14 - Time for payback

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I couldn't sleep that night. I told Jieum everything that happened with no exaggeration, no filters, nothing, I knew she would be brutally honest with me no matter what.

"Isn't it obvious he likes you and you like him," she said over the phone.

"I do not like him Jieum," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Okay so then why did you not like it when some other girl was there with him? Now don't tell me it was because you guys didn't have dinner together, I don't want that crap."

"What else do you want me to doo?" I said, exasperated.

"Okay tell me this, do you get butterflies when you're around him?"

"He makes me feel special, I don't know, maybe I should say he made me feel special,"

"See? you do! Stop lying to yourself Ara! You know you like him but you're too afraid to admit that to yourself"

And I thought about it all night. I thought about all the good moments with him and how he made me feel. Was I actually lying to myself?

I felt bad when I saw him with another girl, I felt disappointed and hurt. I like it when he's around me, I smile and laugh and I feel like myself around him.

I've been lying to myself all this while, haven't I?

I like him.

I like him.



I was late to work, not just some minutes late, I was an hour late. When I arrive, all my employees looked at me like I had grown two pairs of horns on my head. No doubt I looked like a monster with no sleep, I was also late, which usually never happens.

I went inside my cabin after getting myself a cup of coffee, just when I was about to take a sip, I got a call from the reception saying Kai was already there waiting for me.

With a messy bun, un-ironed clothes I looked at my reflection in the elevator, I so looked like a monster.

When I reached down with the cup of coffee on my hand, I came face to face with a fresh looking Kai.

He looked at my appearance and chuckles.

"Looks like someone had horror dreams last night," he commented as we walked down to the closed table for four in the canteen.

"Ha-ha, very funny Kai, my stomach hurts from laughing so much," I said sarcastically, as we sat down.

"Looks like I shouldn't have come today, someone's grumpy" he points out.

"No no, I just didn't have enough sleep last night, that's all," I said.

"Ani particular reason for that?" he asked, as he ordered his green tea.

I explained everything on my mind and he simply smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"That guy's whipped for you," he said and I laughed. We talked and laughed about the situation some more.

"So why'd you want to meet me?" I asked.

"Oh right! I wanted to ask you if you'd want to work with our company for another project?" he asked, looking at me expectantly.

"What is this project about?" I asked.

"We were offered to design the crowns for a beauty pageant and I think we'd love for you to work with us," he said.

"I'd love to work with you, Kai " I said.

Just before he could say anything we were joined by Taehyung and Yura.

"Oh hi guys! We weren't expecting to see you guys here," Taehyung says while sitting down next to me while Yura sat next to Kai.

As if he didn't know we were going to meet there.

"We weren't expecting to see you here either," I said bitterly but smiled at his face.

His lips lift up to form a smile, "So how'd the meeting go?"

"It was nice, I offered her to work with my company for a project and she agreed. I thought it'd take a lot of convince her but it didn't to my surprise," he said.

"I wouldn't even think twice to work on your project Kai. I'm looking forward to working with you," I said and Kai smiled.

I felt Taehyung stiffen beside me but did not let me sense his anger.

"You know, I asked Yura to be my date tomorrow, it's going to be one hell of a party," Taehyung said.

I simply smiled, "That's a really nice thing, Yura please come, I think you guys make a cute pair,"

I was not not going to fall for their act. I knew what he was trying to do. When I talked to Jieum last night, she explained how he was only trying to make me feel jealous. That's when everything came to it's place and it felt like solving a puzzle. With Jieum's stalking skills, we also found out that Yura was not interested in men, she had been Taehyung's best friend since they were children and she even had a girlfriend, her name was Hara.

So I was definitely not going to fall for his game anymore.

I smirked as I watched him frown at my response.

"You're not bringing a date?" Kai asked.

"No actually, I haven't asked anyone yet," I said. I could see the smirk on Kai's face and I knew what he was hinting at.

"How about you go as my date then?" Kai asked, winking at me before anyone could see.

I smiled, I knew he was in this plan with me, "Sure Kai, I'd love to be your date."

I looked at Taehyung, who looked he could kill Kai any moment.

Time for payback, Kim Taehyung.

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