Chapter 12 - Jealous

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Taehyung's POV

There was absolutely no doubt that Lee Ara was the prettiest, the smartest and the most hard working woman I've ever seen. From the moment I saw her in the elevator, she didn't fail to amaze me. I don't know what it is about her but I was sure that I liked her and I wanted her to be mine, but I wanted to make her realize that she likes me as much as I like her.

When we met our client, Kai, that was the day I knew that I couldn't let her go from my life and I sure as hell would not like any other man calling her his.

I had to make sure that she was aware of her feelings for me, so I came up with the idea to make her jealous. I knew that Ara was different, she wasn't like the rest of them, but I was hoping that this time she would fall for it and realize that she has feelings for me.

As we went to the office, there was silence. She didn't speak a word, but her face was as red as a tomato. I liked that I had that effect on her. I walked her till her office before heading to mine. I knew she didn't understand what I meant when I said I was going to prove her wrong.

This was the perfect time I could do this, so I pulled my phone out and texted one person whom I knew would love to play a part in this plan.

I texted her all the details and waited for her reply.

You don't even have to ask twice. I'm so down.

She replied.

Time for some action now.

Ara's POV

The entire day I worked my ass off to get everything out of mind. The launch party was in less than 2 days and we had a lot to prepare for.

In between the breaks, I'd take a little peek in Taehyung's office, just to find him smiling like a kid, texting someone.

I kept checking my phone, but I never received any message from him.

Frowning, I went back to my cabin and continued my work. Why was he on my mind all day?

I worked non stop as usual and did not let anything else bother me. Just as I finished all my work and was about to leave, I got a message.

Kai : Hey, I was wondering if we could meet tomorrow :)

Me : I am so sorry Kai, I'm really busy, I don't think I'll be able to go anywhere before the launch, if there's any problem with the contract, I could send one of the employees to your office?

Kai : Oh no no, don't worry, I think I'll pay you a visit myself then. I hope the preparations are going well.

Me : A little hectic but everyone's working their asses of.

Kai : Haha! Can't wait for the launch party. gtg now, will talk to you tomorrow. see you :)

Me : sure, see you :)

I locked my phone and kept it back inside my pocket. As I walked out of the door, I saw no envelope like there used to be. Maybe he had work but I was disappointed because we had only two days, or one should I say now that today's almost over and he'd be gone after the launch.

Just when I was about to head out, I heard giggles from Taehyung's office, and it wasn't his, it was a high pitched giggle, it was a girl.

I slowly made my way to his office and knocked on the door.

Instead of replying by asking who it was, a few seconds later Taehyung opened the door himself as if expecting to see me.

"Oh! Ara, hey! I wasn't expecting to see you! You need help with anything?" he asked. I was disappointed and hurt, not because he brought a girl, but because it didn't effect him that we only had limited amount of time to spend with each other.

"Umm, No actually, I thought you left and then I heard some noise and I just came to check," I said looking down on the floor.

"That's the only reason?" He asked. I looked up to meet his eyes and hid my disappointment with a smile.

"Of course! Looks like you have company! I'll see you tomorrow," I said and turned around to make my way outside.

"Wait!" he said before I could take a step.

"How about you join us? Yura would love to meet you," he said. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to see another woman in his office, having dinner with him.

"I don't think I can, I have some-"

Before I could finish my sentence, a tall and a gorgeous woman appeared beside Taehyung and linked her arms with his.

"Ara, I insist, please" she said, never leaving his side.

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