No.1 | Hello Note...

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Hello note?-
Hello, are you still there? Maybe you're reading this while you're bombarded with questions in your mind. Also while the "Why?" and "How?" questions fluctuating around you. The things that happened that you can't accept and so on the question of "Where?" and "What?" that encircling you. "Why is this happening?", "How did it turn out like this?", "Where did I go wrong?", and "What's wrong with me?"
if you feel the questions in you're mind killing you, always think to rest, and when finally you have a wonderful or not-so-decent rest. Wake up and find the answers. Find the words for the blank questions. Find that dot. Find that "period"

Hello note.-
Hello, we know in ourselves that we are vulnerable but in a thousand colors that can be seen in the world. There is a color in our hearts that shines and still bright. With color that hides inward, with the power to illuminate the darkened vision and road. The color that may help us from the dusk. The color- that color... live for it and don't give up.

Hello note!-
"Hello, I found it! I finally found it!!"
"What?! what did you say?"
"I said I've found it. I've found the answers for the blank questions! I've found the dot! the "period"! I've found it..."
"What is that?"
"The color in my heart."
"What color?! Red? Violet? Blue? Yellow? What?!"
"I don't know, I can't see it. But I just know I can feel it. Here it is... it's in my heart. It surrounds my body, it protects me.
The question, the period, and the exclamation mark. It's feel amazing now that I'm done with them, it's like I'm flying in the air. With no thoughts, with no worries.
Hello! note, thank you very much!"

? . ! <3

&quot;Ewan, Masyadong Magulo&quot;Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon