✨Chapter 5✨

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Warning :

- Pills


Hinata's Pov

I woke up from my nightmare at 4 am, again. I did my morning routine, as I prepare myself to school. Today is Friday, I felt a tiny bit of excitement in my heart, I shrugged it off and ignore it though. I ride my bike to school. 

I started walking through the hallways encountering a few students on the way, but I could careless anyway, even though when I encountered or made eye contact with them, I clearly didn't act careless, I instead greet them with my usual smile, the smile I show to everyone.

I walked in to feel the dark and tranquil ambience, as I actually came a little bit earlier as, I usually came at around 6 but this time, I came at 5:45, when I saw the classroom clock above the blackboard, that the teacher use to help us understand their lectures.

 I opened my novel, flipping the pages until I found where I place my bookmark. Turns out, I was already on the last chapter. I read the book as in a few minutes, I immersed with the novel, as I read those words in my heart.

I was too immersed with the book, as I didn't notice students coming in, albeit I could feel the dark and tranquil ambience disappeared. I stopped immersing, as I heard the teacher's voice, greeting us.

 I quickly bookmark the page, as I put down my novel and greeted the teacher back in unison with my classmates. The teacher started her lectures, as I listened carefully trying not to miss an important lecture from the teacher, while also taking notes for me to review.

The lectures ended, as I got a bunch of notes in my notebook. I stand up, as I started walking towards the cafeteria with my lunchbox. Like Yesterday, when I came, they were already waving while smiling cheerfully to me. I didn't bring my novel like Yesterday, as I was sure I wouldn't need it, since they never left me out and as lately, I started to get a lot more active during our conversation.

I put a bright genuine cheerful smile, as glimmer shows up in this hazel eyes of mine without me realizing. I sat down this time between Tendou-san and Ushijima-san. I also didn't realize their faces when I showed my genuine, bright and cheerful smile with a glimmer in my eyes. I greeted them, as they greeted me back and started a random topic like always while eating.

We talk and talk and by now, we all already finished eating our lunch. "So, chibi-chan.." Kuroo-san started. "Yes, Kuroo-san?" I replied. "Tomorrow's holiday and I was wondering if I could hangout with you? Maybe a sleepover at your house?" Kuroo-san asked me.

"Oh, sure!" I answered without hesitation. "That's great! I'll probably come at 10 am is that okay?" Kuroo-san said to me, I replied, "Oh, yeah! That's okay". I tried to hide my excitement a little bit, at this point, I can feel excitement and nervousness all over my body, I felt butterflies on my stomach too.

 I felt a little bit asphyxiated since I'm super excited, also really nervous and I've never, ever, felt this way, ever. Without my realization, a bunch of glimmer, revealed itself through my hazel eyes, as a tint of pink blush crawls up to my cheeks, while my smile was absolutely showing every bit of excitement in my body.

I tried to hide it though by biting my lip a little bit so that, I wouldn't smile as wide even though, I'm pretty sure the boys saw it. I just don't want them to bring it up, since I'm sure embarrassment will crawl its way to my face and replace the look of genuine excitement in my face right now.

"Oh may I come as well Hinata?" Kita-san spoke up, as I snapped from my thoughts and the look of excitement in my face starts to fade away, as it gets replaced with an amiable look on my face. "Sure! The rest of you guys can also come to if you want!"

I said cheerfully, then afterwards thinking to myself, how would they sleep? Since I don't have that much futons and my bed isn't that big, although I have my parents bedroom but it's so dusty, I guess I'll just have to clean it up, well at least I came up with a solution and I'm pretty sure cleaning isn't gonna be that hard.

After I said the others could come, I saw that Kuroo-san was a bit down, I wonder why but I shrug it off, as I thought that maybe he's in a bad mood or something, as I heard the others were especially happy and excited after I said that. 

We soon started to chat normally, occasionally hearing jokes, mocks or insults of one another, exceptional for me but I could see that none of them actually take it seriously which was oddly, a relief to me.

Of course, something just always have to ruin everything, I thought to myself, as the lunch bell rings and some of the boys groaned and it was weird for me, because that thought just came up to my mind and I usually never gets pissed so easily for something like this. I shrugged it off like usual, as we bid our "see you tomorrow" to each other, well exception for two certain boys even though, I'm kind of hoping they'd come as well.

I started to walk towards my classroom, as soon, the teacher followed and started his lectures, I started taking notes, while listening attentively to not miss such important lecture for me to note down and review later on. Classes ended, as I started riding my bike back home. I arrived at home, read my novel for a few hours and soon, did my evening routine, which was taking a bath and dining.

After I did my evening routine, I checked my phone to see the boys texted me, in the group chat and in private messages as well. I respond back, as we started chatting for hours. Tomorrow's holiday but of course, I didn't forget they were coming over, so while those boys are busy arguing in the group chat, I decided to clean up my parents room.

 I cleaned it up for about an hour, I didn't realize it would take so long, as when I checked the group chat, they were worried about me, some of them thinking I was kidnapped, which made me laugh and some of them tried to reassure the others, that maybe I had fallen asleep, some others also chatted that, I was probably doing some other business and isn't checking my phone, bingo, I thought, as I read that message and sent a text to them. 

We texted for a few hours until I realized the time. It was 12 am already. I was shocked as that means I will only have 4 hours of sleep, so I hurriedly texted them a "goodnight", as they reply back the same thing with some emojis and I chuckled a little, as I shut down my phone, ate my sleeping pill and fell into a fantasy nightmare.

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Kageyama's Pov

That boke texted us "goodnight", as some others texted him the same reply with some emojis, while I didn't text anything, as I didn't really feel the necessity of doing so and I turned off my phone. I'm kind of excited for tomorrow, since of course, I'm also gonna go to that sleepover. 

Pretty sure the salty beanpole will as well. I just don't want to admit and show to anyone that I'm excited, from when that boke earlier said, that the others can come to his house as well which includes me, until I remember and started reflecting on what happened Yesterday, the day before and Today. I'm sure that boke has been faking his normal smile now. 

He showed us or maybe me, an even more genuine, no, too genuine and sincere smile Yesterday, the day before and Today, it's like 4 or 5 times already, since Today he did it twice or thrice, I'm not sure, but I'm sure that boke has been faking his normal smile. 

I want to ask him, but we just met 5 days ago and I think it's too early, so I thought I'll ask him once we get closer and hangout much longer. I reflect about it, as I started to fall into a deep slumber..

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