✨Chapter 13✨

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Warning :

- Pills 

- Foul language


Author's Pov

Everything happened just as usual. Every weekday, Hinata did his morning routine but now, with an exercise and go to school, hangout with the boys, go to the studio and is daily greeted with his fans that asked him for his autograph and pictures, it was hard for him, as the number of fans that bother him just kept adding up everyday.

So, now, if he's seen by just one fan, that one fan would scream his name and his other fans would surround him. He got tired of it so now, every time he's approached like that, he just ran away. Thank God, at school, there's always a teacher to stop it. He decided to tell his problems to Yachi and Yachi suggested him to hire bodyguards.

He hesitated but agreed anyway, he started going to school with two body guards beside him and the bodyguards manage to do their job pleasingly. Hinata got a load of payments from the studio, so it wasn't a problem about paying those bodyguards, in fact, they became friends.

One of them isn't exactly buff and muscly or anything, but he did his job very well, his name is Yamaguchi Tadashi, his freckles are also really cute!! But he wears mask in front of people, so people wouldn't be able to see it and he's 23 years old. The second one is actually pretty buff and muscly, his name is Daichi Sawamura. He's very responsible and mature, he's 26 years old.

Now, people don't actually bother Hinata anymore, it feels nice actually. When he's hanging out with the boys in the cafeteria, those 2 bodyguards of his didn't bother to hear their conversations, Hinata could see that, because every time him and the boys talk, they'd cover their ears with airpods.

Hinata grew my feelings over with the boys, but he's not sure if they felt the same, usually after school, Yachi, Yamaguchi and Daichi would tease him about it, by shipping him and those boys together. Hinata would always deny it, but one day, Hinata and the boys were hanging out, it was Hinata's birthday

Those boys bring him to a restaurant, to a room that they already booked and surprised him, they surprised Hinata by suddenly singing Happy Birthday song and the staffs came with a cake, Hinata shed a tear and quickly wiped it while thanking them. Then, the boys shared their gifts to Hinata, Hinata was touched, that's when he realized, he's really in love with them.

He really want to confess, but he's scared. He doesn't want to have his heart broken again and lose the people he love again. So he just kept it to himself instead and of course, Hinata already acknowledge that he love those boys and he admitted that to Yachi, Yamaguchi and Daichi, which they clearly already know and tease him even more.

He was actually even more happier, before, way back then, before he got bodyguards, his fans would never send hate towards him and call him a 'slut' or even 'whore', because of that photoshoot with the boys, but instead, they shipped him. 

P r e s e n t t i m e . . .

Hinata's Pov

I'm currently photo shooting. Now I'm already 19 years old. Tsukishima and Kageyama is still 18 years old. I'm thinking about calling them Tsukishima-kun or Tsukishima-chan? Pfftt.. both are really funny though.. How about Kageyama-kun? Kageyama-chan? hahaahahaha!! That's so funny!! I'm definitely calling them both with 'chan'. "Shoyo?" I snapped out of my thoughts when Kiyoko-san called me. 

"Yeah?" I answered. "Your photo shoot is over, you can go home now, good work" Kiyoko-san told me, as a smile plastered on her face. "Thanks!! YOU TOO!! EVERYBODY ELSE TOO!! Okay! I'm gonna go home now, BYE GUYS!!!" I told Kiyoko-san and the other staffs. They replied to me back and I went home riding my bike, with Yachi-san behind me and Daichi-san, as well as Yamaguchi-san walking beside me.

We just went home in silence, not knowing what to talk about. I went home and do my night routines. Daichi-san and Yamaguchi-san had went their separate ways earlier. I take a shower thinking about my crushes, I really want to confess and really want them to accept my confession, but I don't know, I'm not sure if they like me back..

They don't even know anything about my actual personal life of me having panic attacks and needing to eat sleeping pills to sleep, as well as the fact that I always have a nightmare and is impossible to have a sweet dream. Sigh.. While me.. they all already told me about their past lives and personal lives..

They don't even know bout my past.. I'm really grateful that they never asked though.. knowing.. I'd probably get panic attacks if they asked me about it.. but now, I'm not that worried, because I have officially confirmed, taking a bath while listening to music, is a way to lock my brain from recalling those memories of my past..

I decided not to overthink it, as now I finished taking a shower and is changing my clothes into a comfortable pair of clothes. I ate dinner and chatted them. Chatting them had always made me feel pure bliss and relaxation, as it's like, I never had those terrible memories of my past and I'm living the best life ever, in which, I am.

I am living my best life, but I want to stop it. I want to stop having nightmares every time I go to sleep, I want to stop needing to eat pills to sleep. I want to cure my panic attacks, so I have been thinking lately about going to the therapists.. but I don't know.. I just feel scared somehow.. I know there is a reason to it, but I just don't want to believe it, I mean it's impossible..right?..

Like, it's their job to cure patients like me whos health is mentally unstable.. and not judge me.. like in middle school.. I shake off the thought and quickly listened to music through my phone before my brain could recall those memories and trigger the panic attacks.

Then, I calmed down and while listening to music, I chatted the boys until it's 8 p.m. and I head to bed, not needing Yachi-san to remind me anymore, since I got used to it and it's a habit now. Though, I know that she always checked me anyways, since right when I just started to sleep, she opened the door that leads a light in and that's how I know that she's checking me.

Author's Pov

This time, Hinata head to sleep faster, after eating his sleeping pill, since he turned on the music, as he drift to sleep, into a nightmare, like always. So he was really unconscious this time, that when Yachi-san opened the door, he wasn't aware about it, as he was already inside his nightmare.

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