✨Chapter 12✨

478 23 15

Warning :

- Pills

- Panic attack

- Death

- Suicide

- Bullying

- Harassing

- Angst


T h i s C h a p t e r I s G o n n a B e A b o u t H i n a t a ' s P a s t 


It started when Hinata was 8 years old. His dad just went home and is absolutely stressed. His mom greeted his father with a loving and kind manner and a peck on his cheek. His father was absolutely stressed and greeted her back with a cold and harsh manner and told her to stay away. That action of his father towards his mother made her worried.

She went inside the kitchen to make coffee for him to calm down. She went back with the coffee and gave it to him. His dad was really mad, not because she didn't stay away from him like he told her to. He was sitting reflecting about the events that happened in his office. He got fired because rumors spread that he was leaking the office private information to their opponent.

He wasn't in his right mind. She gave him the coffee, as he immediately drink it and spit it out as the coffee was still boiling. He threw the mug across the room and his wife was wearing a terrified and shocked expression. A part of him was still in his right mind but most of his part was absolutely furious and wanted to destroy everything. He breathe 3 times and told her wife to not bother him in a cold and rude tone.

He didn't want to act that way but he couldn't calm down from the events that happened earlier. He walk out of his house as he could see his wife trying to pick up the pieces from the mug that he threw. He slammed the door and he realized what he had done. He cried as he really didn't wanted to act that way and punched the wall.

He hissed in pain but he thought that he deserved it from the way he treated his beloved wife. So he kept hitting the wall, until he felt two of his knuckles broke in an unison. He whined from the pain and stopped. He decided to cool down by walking around, feeling the cold breeze touched his skin.

He cool down and decided to go back home and apologize. When he came back, he saw his wife watching TV. He went to her as she still haven't notice his presence, hugged her from behind, wrapping his arms around her neck and apologized. She smiled softly and told him it's fine when she noticed his bloody knuckles.

She asked him about it and he told her what happened as she just sighed and went to grab the first aid kit and wrapped his broken knuckles and bloody hands after cleaning his hands. They went to their room and had sex. The next day, Hinata's mom woke up early and puked. She immediately went to the supermarket nearby and bought a pregnancy test.

She tested and it resulted positive. She was happy and when her husband wake up, she told him and his happy and sleepy face turned into a cold and worried face. She asked him what's wrong and he told her the truth that he was fired. She turned furious, she now know why her husband treated her like that Yesterday.

She started screaming at him. She had a poor childhood, her parents barely could buy any food, but her parents were absolutely kind to her. She didn't want her child to go through the same thing as her and her husband knew about it, that's why she was furious. Her husband tried to apologize at first, but she's really emotional and that pushed him to his limits, as they started arguing and shouting, forgetting the existence of their beloved son.

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