Ch-7 Hunters

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"hey tsumu, are you up ?" a knock could be heard before oikawa enters tsumu's room "oh kawa" kawa smile at atsumu as he found him awake sitting on his bed "it is a free day today. What would like to do tsumu?" atsumu put his hand on his chin , thinking "well it is about to be a month since I came here , but I have never seen anything else than school and home" oikawa hums as he sits next to tsumu "how about I take you out with me?" atsumu's eyes sparkle in excitement "really!" oikawa giggle "yeah , why not? lets go ask osamu "






both of the boys are now standing infront of osamu's office ' oikawa nocks and ask if they can enter , he allows them and unexpectedly kiyoomi is there "neh samu , kawa suggested going out , can-" osamu hit the table with one hand "no , you can't go out" atsumu frown and stomp closer to his brother, he is now infront of his desk "why not?!" osamu sighs and fold his hand to his chest , his eyes has glint of anger "Do we need to discus that again atsumu?! you are a human , you can be completely consumed by other vampires!" "I will be with him osamu, let atsumu out for a little" oikawa says as he stands beside atsumu "no , you can be careless " oikawa sighs "c'mon osamu , I won't leave his side " osamu pauses for a second "I will allow it only if kiyoomi comes along" the three boys say 'eh!' in reunion "why me?" kiyoomi asked without raising his voice , but he really doesn't want to go with them. "yeah why him?" atsumu exclaimed "because he is the strongest after me here in the castle" osamu said confidently , he looks at kiyoomi who is standing beside him "please kiyoomi , it is a favour" kiyoomi kept the eye contact for a sec and then let out a sigh "understood , I will go with them" "wait I ne-" oikawa nudges atsumu's shoulder and whisper to him "we will astray away from him when we get there " atsumu nods in response .



The 3 of them are now in front of an amusement park , atsumu eyes sparkle happily "OMG! I never knew you could this here" oikawa shrugs "well our world isn't that much different from human world " "then kawa, can vampires live in human world?!" "yeah they can , especially those who are half , but it is dangerous " "eh why dangerous , even though we get well together ?" the aura around kiyoomi and oikawa changed suddenly , it changed to something dark with hate and anger , atsumu takes a step back and flinch he is starting to get scared , oikawa notices his action and calm down , he gets closer to atsumu and hold both of his hand "sorry tsumu , I didn't mean to scare you, it is dangerous as there are people that hunts down vampires and kill them or do experiments on them and sometimes they can even sneak to our world and act like us " atsumu eyes wide in shook carrying a lot of different emotions , sadness , confusion and anger . "Don't worry no one is going to blame you , you did nothing wrong , your past parents used you" kiyoomi says as he standing in front of atsumu few inches away , he then walks to enter the park "lets go , I don't have much time" oikawa smiles at atsumu with a warm smile and pats his back "remember tsumu , we came here today to have fun so shake all these negative thoughts away" atsumu nods and both of them follow kiyoomi inside.

oikawa and atsumu tried almost all of the games present , the park is gigantic and there are a lot of people there , atsumu is so happy , enjoying his time but he couldn't brush off the words both of the boys said I never thought of this but I .. I am really different , and by other vampires I am hated as I am human .. but I would never want to hurt anyone not to kill anyone .




"AH!" atsumu snap back out of his thoughts "I have been calling for you multiple times and you didn't answer , are you tired ?" atsumu hesitates before he nods "yeah.... lets take a rest " atsumu then looks around him and .. kiyoomi isn't here "hey kawa where is kiyoomi?" "ah he said he wants to go somewhere , I don't know why but he was on his guard all the time and kept looking around all the time " atsumu hums in confusion "....he didn't even play with us" oikawa smiles "well he is the serious type , he may doesn't show it but he adores you tsumu " atsumu raises an eye brow and looks at oikawa " how does he adores me and all he does is push me away and fights with me?" oikawa giggles and then it turns to a laugh "well dear tsumu , have you ever seen him hold a conversation with some one more than an minute " atsumu pauses to think "....ah now that you mention it , I have never " "see! that's what I am talking about , and he even tried to comfort you while we were at the gate" atsumu expression melts slowly to a small , lovely smile "yeah . you're right" oikawa smiles to himself "okay then I will go to get us something to drink , I won't go too far so stay here and don't go anywhere " atsumu nods and sits down on the bench and watches as oikawa walks away and mild with the crowd "ahh I really am tired" "hey mister , can I talk with you ?"









"HEY OIKAWA" oikawa turns to the source of voice and find kiyoomi holding someone forcefully , kiyoomi's expression carried a lot of anger and looks like he was going to snap at any second . "KIYOOMI!! , who is that person?" "WHERE IS ATSUMU" "atsumu , I left him by the bench not far away" "shit!" kiyoomi shoves the man he is holding who looks beat up and full of bruises to oikawa "hold this" kiyoomi starts running to the bench and atsumu , atsumu is not there , oikawa is back of him , the man spoke "hah told you , they already took him , you shouldn't have left him alone smart" kiyoomi turns to him eyes flaming anger, aura is so dark "where. is . atsumu " oikawa and the man both flinch , the man didn't answer and kiyoomi was about to beat him again when oikawa held his hand "wait kiyoomi, we need this human to know where atsumu is , and not here others are starting to look at us" oikawa sad with a firm voice "tch , got it" oikawa releases kiyoomi's hand "lets fly back to the castle and inform osamu"




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