Ch-16 Magic of smile

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Hand in hand intertwined, they enter the castle , both sharing a soft smile .

"Oh to be in love~" oikawa says teasing both of them .

Atsumu just stuck his tongue out at him and hit his shoulder playfully.

"Were are the others? , and were is samu? , isn't he back?"

"One question at a time tsumu , well all of them are busy doing something, can I take kiyoomi for a second?"

Oikawa says as he gives the blonde a small smile , atsumu feels that there is something strange and he is confused but he brushed it off , he looks at kiyoomi who has the same look on his face , he actually still wants to stay with him , but he is embarrassed from what happened and his cheeks are still hot . So he let go of kiyoomi's hand , causing a shock for the taller male .

"Sure kawa ! You can take him"

"Thanks tsumu" and that's how a dumbfounded and pouty kiyoomi beign dragged by oikawa to who knows where , atsumu kept on watching them as their backs got smaller as they go on , until they dissappear.

"Oh what should I do now?" Atsumu asks himself as he starts walking through the halls of the castle , that's when he stood infront of room where he heard some rusucks and a sound of something breaking like a shattered glass.

"Are you okay?!"atsumu says as he enters the room to found hinata in top of....





"So what do you want from me?" Kiyoomi asks irritated, he wants to stay with his atsu.

"You sure are only kind to atsumu and osamu , well whatever, you are here because of my great mind came up with a brilliant idea" oikawa says as he puts a hand on his chest and the other in the air , bragging.

Kiyoomi snorts at the action, " get it over with oikawa"

"Well I am doing this for my dear ats-"

Kiyoomi gives him a death glare saying 'complete this sentence I dare you '

Oikawa sweats nervous "for atsumu..."

He coughs " I, No we want you to propose to atsumu !"

A second passes


"Why?!!! I mean look at yourself, you look absolutely in love with him , and you look like you will jump at anyone who tries to become close to him"

Kiyoomi sighs "and in the first place how did you know that I confessed?!"

"Well ... I might have or have not seen everything " osamu says getting out of another door in the room they are in , startling kiyoomi.

When kiyoomi realised what he said , he cover his face with his palms from embarrassment.

" I -I am sorry!, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on both of you ! .... it is just you both looked so sweet and.."

"Okay! , I understand please enough " Kiyoomi says as his cheeks get more tainted with shade of red

He lifts his face slowly and look towards both of them , cheeks still red.

"I am sorry but I don't want to propose for Atsu now , I know you will ask why , it is because I don't want him to get hurt , I don't want to rush things with him , I want to take it slow with him , until he feels stable ..." Kiyoomi says as his expressions change to be more serious and eyes sparkling and full of love .

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