ch-5 Maybe

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Marriage, why Marriage? I don't like at all , I also want to fall in love first . Atsumu thoughts so as he is walking in the school halls . He doesn't want to study anymore his head hurts from all the thinking when someone pats his back "hey tsumu it is end of classes already will you go back with samu?" Uh this voice it is oikawa "well... I don't want to go back with him" I hear him chuckle and put his arms back his head resting on it. "Well I can understand how you feel" I take a step back "...yeah" he laughs again "don't worry I am not coming after you" he smiles and I can feel his smile is an honest one so I drop my guard a little . He looks to the front of the halls and says "okay tsumu let's go back home, let's not get you lost" and so they go on their way to home .


Time skip (At home)

All of the boys set together to eat dinner all in silence . Once atsumu finished he got up and walked back to his room and closes his door , he lays on the bed and sighs "this was really a very long day , but I can't stop thinking about what happened" he puts his fingers dilecately on the bite marks of suna "vampire huh..." I wonder how is it going there ... I miss hanging out with kageyama so much . Ah right kageyama ,
... I hope he is not much worried about me. Atsumu positions himself on the bed to get a better sleep.





It is 2 am as atsumu checks his phone for time , he groans from the amount of light that hits his eyes , he closes them and open them again trying to adjust to the amount of light , he searches for his brother presence , but he is no where to be found I guess it is awkward for him too after what happened.  He stands up and goes to his balcony and opens it to get fresh air . He is meet with a beautiful sight of the garden flowers shining and dancing under the light of the blue full moon it really is a breathe taking he keeps his eyes looking at the beautiful sight infront of him. He then hears a faint voice , the voice is humming a melody. what a sweet voice atsumu thought  he keeps on hearing it as if the voice washes away all of his worries and thoughts. He goes out of his room to go and see who is humming . When he reaches the garden , he was surprised to find oikawa is the one sitting there. "Oikawa" atsumu said with a quite voice in the silence of night , oikawa turns his head to atsumu and gives him a sweet smile "knew you were coming " atsumu tilts his head "how?..." oikawa looks up to the sky and say "I felt your presence,  you have a very special aura" atsumu stands there still didn't get any closer "oh I guess because I am a human" oikawa hums "hmmm maybe" oikawa moves up from where he is standing and extends his hand to atsumu "wanna take a look around here?" atsumu smiles excitedly and takes his hand , they walk through garden and talk about alot of stuff , atsumu told oikawa about his home , his old one , his old school , his best friend there and how he reached his heart and made him open and be honest and talkative.  "He really is a wonderful friend"   atsumu smiles fondly "yes he is!" Oikawa too tells him about this world and rules a little about his childhood . Atsumu founds to oikawa is very comfortable and nice . "Kawa didn't you say you aren't coming after me , but why though?" Oikawa looks at him and gaze at the sky with a sad look in his face "well... I have special someone that's why" atsumu gets closer to him and lays his head on Oikawa's shoulder , with a soft and low voice he says  "...and where is this someone" oikawa let's out a wet , sad chuckle "he is ... not here anymore" once he finishes his sentence he feels warm hands around his shoulder , atsumu is hugging him from back "you don't-"  "shhh it is okay if you cry I won't tell any one" and that's how a quite sobs found there way in the breeze of cold night.

After a while oikawa feels better and he told atsumu that it is okay now "you know... we might have meet just 2 days ago but you can rely on me and trust me" oikawa smile at him , this time it isn't sad "thanks tsumu"  "Hehe you don't have too~ we are friends right" oikawa ruffles his hair "sure we are , you can also rely on me anytime"

"Don't be all lovey dovey here"

A voice inturpts them from behind and they found hinta looking at them with a grin , he jumps over them both and now all of them are laying on the ground "I want to be friend with atsumu too" oikawa and atsumu starts laughing at the remark of the short boy , atsumu pats hinata's head "sure, sure hinata" They stay a little more chatting with each other when hinata suggested going to Sugawara's room and they agree , apparently he is also awake , he made tea and some snacks they set together chatting and playing and now atsumu knows that Sugawara already has someone special too and hinta isn't interested with the mirage thing , the room is full of laughter and warmth "we all will support you tsumu" the 3 of them says so as they group hug atsumu , it feels so nice "thanks guys" he gives them a smile . The night ended with them sleeping in Sugawara's room as they were tired . He almost forgets that they are vampires.


A.N (thank you all for the great support and I am so happy that you are enjoying my story, and I am very sorry that I haven't updated for a while it is because I was stuck and unable to find a way to move the story but thank god I founded one and this story may be longer than I thought but I hope you all will like it😊❤)

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