Ch-6 It's okay

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it is been a 2 weeks and half now and atsumu is still wondering about what to do. but thanks to the presence of oikawa, hinata and suga it is comforting him. Suna and Akashi still are tiring to win him. they are with him nearly twenty-four seven . And then there is kiyoomi he never talks to him and always gives him the cold shoulder he doesn't know what to do. he is so near yet so far atsumu thought .

It is the breaktime when atsumu asks oikawa "hey kawa why is kiyoomi is so distant? he doesn't talk to me at all" he said so a pout forming on his face making oikawa chuckle "this is how he is tsumu, well I believe that there is a reason but only osamu knows, he barely trusts us and it took him a month to call us by our names , but he quickly warmed up to osamu" atsumu stopped munching on his onigiri and look to kawa in shock "what?! really!! I never thought that would be the case , but I would like him to warm up for me more,...I wish he trusts me..." tsumu mumbled the last part but kawa heard it so he decided to cheer him up , he ruffles his hair and smile at him "it is okay tsumu, you are kind I am sure he will open to you soon" atsumu gives him a smile back and determined that he will make him trust him so first, he has to ask his twin about kiyoomi to know more about it when 2 boys came in cutting atsumu's thoughts with a loud voice "tsumuuuuu~ don't ditch us just for oikawa" both akashi and suna said together as they hug him from the back (they where at the roof top by the way) oikawa scrunched his nose in disgust at them , and the mockingly he said "well, sorry that tsumu loves me more than you both" he stuck his tongue out at them in a childish way , atsumu is just between them while they are arguing about who deserves to spend more time with him and he laughs out loud amused by the show . when they see him smile they all said awe.

~Time skip after school~

atsumu is searching for his twin, well lately atsumu wasn't able to talk with his brother properly and how he is always busy , he misses him but sure he will never say that out loud. He walks through the castle asking servants for his brother but he still didn't get any useful information. he sighs , tired from searching . but then he bumps into someone . "You should be looking where you are going to atsumu" a deep cold voice spoke , atsumu glances up uh it's kiyoomi "sorry... I was just searching for my twin have you seen-" kiyoomi cuts him off "stop bothering him , don't you know that he is already busy?" atsumu frown at the words said by the boy infront of him. "well sorry that I seem like I am bothering him , but he is my brother and I am free to talk with him whenever I want" the annoyance is clearly shown in kiyoomi's voice and voice . "well, atsumu-san he is my brother as well so , I would like if you don't disturb him" atsumu let out a huff showing his disapprove of the statement. After a couple of mad glances at each other , atsumu sigh in defeat , "well you please tell me where he is ?" atsumu paused and took a deep breathe before completing "I-I just m-miss him" kiyoomi didn't move his eyes from atsumu and kept on the intense eye contact when kiyoomi turn to the other way "follow me".







both of them are in a room full of books and papers every where , the room is too large too. it was the first time for atsumu to be there . kiyoomi scoff to get his attention back "I am going to leave now" he shift and moves in his way. "th-thanks" a thank that was barely audio able but kiyoomi got it as he waved his hand , closing the door behind him. "samu?" A quite whisper in the silence of huge room echoed. no reply. the whisper is met with silence , atsumu starts rooming through the room searching for his brother when he found him sleeping on the couch holding a pen and a paper held in his hand that is hanging of the couch. it looks like he has still working . Atsumu brush his hands across his twins head removing the hair un the way. osamu's soft snores makes atsumu smile . he looks so peaceful sleeping like this . atsumu sat on the couch next to his brother, he removed the pen and the paper and put them aside. he the lays half of his body on his twin's chest , acting as a blanket . "missed you stupid samu". atsumu then drifted to sleep to the sound of osamu's soft snores.

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