1- Senior year

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Riley's P.O.V.

Have you ever just sat there, looking at absolutely nothing... not knowing what the right decisions were?

I've been doing that a lot lately and I really didn't have a single person I could talk to about it... Well, that understood me anyways. All I knew was my dreams after high school and my parents' dreams were completely different.

I come from a wonderful family with parents that love me. My parents were highschool sweethearts that fell in love and got married right out of high school. Went to college together and have lived a fairytale life ever since.

We live in a quiet little neighborhood surrounded by other expensive houses. We had everything except the white picket fence.

My parents are both doctors at a hospital here in Chicago and that's the dream they have for me, to follow in their footsteps and become a doctor.

I have the grades for it too, they've pushed me to work hard in high school because it looks good on all the college resumes and I have. It's a great career choice but my passion lies in writing and I would love nothing more than to become an author someday but my parents just don't see me doing that. They know I love books and writing but that's 'just a hobby' they said.

My boyfriend's name is Josh Ried. He's the starting quarterback for our school, The Chicago High Bulldogs. We've been together since the summer of freshman year. Our parents have pretty much planned out our wedding and can't wait for us to make it official, but I'm having doubts. I love him, I really do... but I was starting to think it was just a friendship kind of love.

I'm having all these doubts, but why? I have all this stuff going for me so why wasn't I happy I thought to myself as I looked back at myself in the mirror as I finished getting ready for my first day of my senior year.

"Riley Adams, get your little tush down here, honey! Breakfast is ready." My mom gently yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Letting out a soft breath, I put my mascara down. "Coming!" I yelled back.

I got up, grabbing my backpack before I headed downstairs.

Dad smiled at me as I walked into the kitchen. "Good Morning sleeping beauty. Are you ready for your senior year?"

I put my bag down by the stairs, "I am." Walking up to him, I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Mom handed me my food. "Morning, eat up."

"Thanks Mom."

I sat down at the table next to Dad and started eating my omelette.

Mom sat down next to us, "Is Josh picking you up today?"

"No, he's got practice after school. I think he's coming over afterwards though."

"I have your favorite hot dish ready for tonight. Your dad and I will eat before we leave for work, all you have to do is heat it up and he's more than welcome to eat here too." Mom said, with a warm smile.


"Of course." She said with a smile. "We get done at 6am tomorrow, so Dad and I will get to see you before you go to school, but I'll try and text you beforehand, I want to hear all about your first day."

I couldn't help but giggle to myself. Here I was, just about eighteen and she still wants to hear all about my first day of school.

"Okay. I'll text you and that way if you're busy you can just read in between your patients tonight."

I got up and put my dishes in the dishwasher. I gave both my parents a hug and kiss goodbye and headed out.

Pulling up to the school, I parked my car and was instantly greeted by some of my friends.

I started smiling like I always do, I had a great group of girls in my circle but my closest ones were Kira and Brynn; my besties. We all linked arms with one another and talked as we headed into school.

We all went to our lockers. I started to empty my bag, getting things ready for my first few classes.

"I'm so excited, I can't believe we're seniors Ri! This is going to be the best year yet." Brynn said, overly excited.

Lucky for her, she had a plan and a support team behind her. She was going into medicine too, so with this push for me to be a doctor she was all for that because we would have a lot of college classes together.

"Me too!" I wasn't lying, I was excited. Senior year is a big deal and I couldn't wait to be done with high school.

I was about to say something else when I felt a hard body pressed up against mine. Wrapping one hand around my waist and another hand over my eyes.

"Guess who?" He whispered seductively in my ear.

I instantly smiled, "Hmmm, Channing Tatum?"

He nibbled on my ear. "Nope, but close."

He spun me around and pinned me up against the locker, kissing me passionately as everyone watched as they passed by.

"God, I missed you."

I started laughing, "I saw you on Saturday and talked to you twice yesterday."

"I know, but apparently I didn't get enough of you before you left. I'm still horny."

"Would you keep it down?" I laughed as I smacked his arm.

"It's not like people don't know."

"You still don't need to broadcast it to the whole school."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm still planning on coming over after practice tonight. Your parents work tonight right?"

"Yep. What are you planning on doing to me Mr. Ried?" I asked, grabbing a hold of his shirt, bringing him in closer to me.

"All naughty things.... Very very naughty things." He said, giving me a wicked smile.

"I can't wait."

He brought me into another kiss but it was soon interrupted when we heard gasps and whispering from everyone in the hallway.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked Josh. His arms we're still wrapped snugly around me as he shrugged his shoulders, just as confused as I was.

Everyone parted like the Red Sea to let this mysterious person come through. I let out a small gasp, my eyes widened and my heart began to beat faster at the sight of the one and only...

Brandon Gray.

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