7- Are you okay?

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Brandon's P.O.V.

Monday's suck! Here I was, sitting in my first period class trying to fight the urge to walk out, skip this day all together so I could go get high and then take a nap.

After I dropped Riley off at home, I couldn't fall asleep. It definitely didn't help that my sweatshirt was now filled with her intoxicating smell. After I fell asleep, I slept most of the day which in turn led to another restless Sunday night making this Monday suck even more for me.

I've always liked Riley, there was something about her that pulled me to her ever since the first day I met her. The problem? Me. I sure as hell wasn't good enough for her, actually neither was Josh but he was better than me without a doubt.

Even though I wanted her in the worst kind of way, I could never have her. She was too good for me and deserved so much better. She had dreams and a promising future... I was toxic, hurt everything I touched and I was going to make sure I didn't ruin her.

Fuck this. I got up, ready to walk out when I heard Riley's name.

"Riley's single?"

Wait what?

I sat back down, pretending to be interested in whatever the hell was happening outside the window, eavesdropping on the conversation just ahead of me.

"Yeah, apparently she broke up with Josh Saturday night."

"Holy shit! No wonder Josh was a bitch this morning. Wonder if she's ready to start dating?"

I rolled my eyes at these fucking douche bags. One guy is really good friends with Josh and the other is just fucking stupid. She would never date a twit like him.

"Josh would kill you!" The twit said.

"The way I see it, Josh fucked up. Riley's hot and there's no reason I can't take her out for an 'I'm sorry Josh is an idiot' dinner."

"Oh my God, Josh is definitely going to kill you."

Riley walked in a few seconds before the bell rang. I watched as the guys motioned for her to sit next to them.

She looked at me, smiling like she always does before she sat down next to them.

"Hey Riley,"

"Hi Mitch." She said, giving him a fake smile.

"I heard about you and Josh. That's rough."

She let out a small breath, I could tell she was uncomfortable or didn't want to talk about it.

She politely smiled and nodded her head.

"If you need anything just let me know."

She gave him a questioning look and rolled her eyes before politely nodding her head again.

Ha ha you fucking dirt bag!

"Listen, I know you guys just broke up but if you need a friend to talk to, I'd love to take you out for dinner tonight-"

"Mitch, Josh is one of your best friends and I like how you're trying to 'be a friend' but I think I'm going to pass on this one, maybe you should take Josh out for that dinner."

"If you change your mind-"

"I won't."

The teacher broke up their conversation and started on the lesson for the day.

After lunch, I watched Riley walk out of the lunch room by herself. It was weirdly awkward in the popular crowd today. Like people didn't know what to do or how to act because these two had broken up and oddly enough Riley didn't seem heartbroken about it.

Loving Brandon GrayWhere stories live. Discover now