13- Swimming

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Riley's P.O.V.

I definitely didn't get enough sleep last night but I didn't care. Once I got home after Brandon dropped me off I couldn't fall asleep, he was all I kept thinking about.

I was now rushing to get ready for my afternoon with Brandon.

After showering, I went into my room and put on some light make-up. I looked for a bikini that I was hoping Brandon would like and put it on. I put on a pair of jean shorts and a white t-shirt over the top. Grabbing a sweatshirt, I threw it into a bag and headed downstairs.

"Are you hungry?" Mom asked.

"Not really."

"Here, at least have a banana. Where are you headed?"

I smiled like a crazy fool. "Honestly I'm not sure. I think I'm going swimming."

"You think?" Dad asked, confused.

"Yeah, Brandon told me to bring my swimming suit."


"Yep." I heard him pull into our driveway. "He's here. I'll see you guys later." I gave both of them a hug and ran outside before they told me I couldn't go.

"Hey," Brandon said, opening the door for me.

"Hi." He shut the door and got in on the driver's side.

As he pulled out of my driveway he looked over at me. "We have a little drive ahead of us."

"I don't suppose you're going to tell me what we're doing yet?"

"It's a surprise, but you'll like it. I think?"

"That doesn't sound too reassuring, Brandon."

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"That's a very complex question, but yes… I do."


We talked the whole way that I didn't even pay attention to the direction we were going. After an hour and a half drive I saw a sign for Wisconsin.


"We're almost there, I used to live over here before I moved to Chicago. It's one of my most favorite spots, I still come here every once in a while to think."

A little while later we pulled into a little park in the woods that honestly looked like it had been abandoned.

"Umm, are we hiking? Because I also have a fear of being attacked and eaten by wild animals and this would be the perfect scene for that to go down."

"That's why I have my gun." He said, like it was no big deal.

"Wait, what?" I asked, confused.

He handed me a blanket and two towels before he grabbed the cooler, "Come on Adam's. Zombies might come out too."

My eyes widened. "Wait." I ran up to him. "You seriously have a gun right now?"

"Yep." He said as he continued to walk.

We came up to a little sandy beach next to the water.

"Oh wow!"

"Yeah, it used to be cleaner than this though." Brandon said as he put down the cooler. "Put your stuff down there and you can get in your swimsuit."

"It's still beautiful out here though." I placed the blanket and towels down on the cooler and watched as Brandon took off his shirt.

Holy shit!

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