15- Rumors

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Riley's P.O.V.

Brandon pulled into my driveway. He was dropping me off after the night I spent at his house.

"I had a lot of fun with you." I said, still smiling like a buffoon.

He leaned in, giving me a passionate kiss. Pulling away slightly, he whispered against my lips. "I had a really fun time with you too Riley."

"I'll see you in school tomorrow." Giving him one last kiss, I got out of the car.

I felt him watching me as I walked to the front door of my house. Turning around I gave him one last smile and wave before going into my house.

I shut the front door, still smiling at the thought of Brandon and our day yesterday. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my parents coming down the stairs.

"You're just getting home? We thought you were upstairs sleeping." Dad asked in a mad tone.

"Yes, I-"

"Riley... this is unacceptable. You can't just sleep over at random guys' houses."

"Nothing happened between Brandon and I last night and you didn't have a problem when it was Josh."

"Josh was your boyfriend of many years and I actually did care, but I also understand about being a teenager. I was a teenager once too you know but we need to set some boundaries."

"We had the safe sex talk and you have me on the pill. I never slept with Brandon, I promise."

Dad let out a breath, "But you like this boy?"

I instantly smiled, nodding my head.

"Honey, you just got out of a serious relationship. Plus where has this kid been the past few years? I'm worried about you."

"Again you're going off rumors, Brandon is sweet and I really really like him, plus Josh has already moved on, he was fooling around with someone a week after we broke up so-"

"He loves you, his parents told us he's not the same since you broke up with him. Maybe that's the only way he knows how to get over you."

"And that's great, I want Josh to get over me."

Dad pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dad, I promise I will be respectful with you guys about this situation with Brandon. I really really like him though and I think you guys would too if you just gave him a chance. I know you guys liked Josh but my heart wasn't in it anymore."

"I know honey, it's just hard watching you grow up. You're still our little girl and we trust you and your decisions just please be careful."

"I will."

Mom interrupted us, "Are you guys a thing?"

I thought for a moment, "Umm, we never really talked about that? But we kissed and I don't want to kiss anybody else."

"Ohh that's so sweet." My mom gushed. "Why don't you have him over for supper sometime?"

"I'll see, I don't want to rush anything right now or freak him out."


The next day at school I pulled in like I always do and was greeted by my friends. We walked into school together, noticing Brandon wasn't here yet.

"So how was your weekend, especially Friday night?" Kira asked.

I smiled, that's all I seemed to be doing lately. "It was good."

I really didn't want to share my weekend with everyone. Paul, Kira and Brynn yes, but not the others.

"Oh my gosh you have to give us more than that. Brandon picked you up at the party and you've been smiling since you've gotten here."

I was about to give them the bare minimum when Brandon walked through the doors. Our eyes locked and the butterflies instantly started fluttering in my stomach again.

The people in my group parted as he walked up to me, extending his one hand to me with the same smirk he walked in school with and handed me a single rose with his other.

My smile widened as I took his hand and the rose, smelling it. "I'll talk to you guys later." I informed everyone as he was leading me away, still holding my hand.

"Man, we just started a million different rumors." I teased.

We got to the hallway that was empty and led to our first class of the day. He spun me so I was pinned up against the wall with his leg resting in-between mine.

"Probably, do you care?" He asked, leaning in.

"No!" I whispered.

"Good." He ran his thumb across my bottom lip, as I tried controlling my breathing. "Are you nervous?"

"Yes, but it's a good kind of nervous."

He gave me a questioning look. I gently grabbed the front of his black hoodie, "It's the anticipation of waiting for you to kiss me kind of nervous."

Smiling, he leaned in the rest of the way. He wrapped his one arm around my waist, the other hand rested on my cheek as our lips connected. My hands went from his black hoodie to around his neck, pulling him closer to me to deepen our kiss.

As our lips moved together, I let out a soft moan when his tongue met mine. I softly bit his bottom lip, drawing out the sexist moan from Brandon that I've ever heard. I was never going to get sick of this feeling I had when kissing him.

The loud whistle that I knew came from Paul, broke up our kiss. I turned my head in the direction it came from, making Brandon groan and slightly pull away from me.

Paul fluttered his hand at me with a big smile on his face as him and the others walked past us to class, smiling.

I stood up straight, wiping Brandon's wet lip. He leaned in for another kiss, "And the rumors continue."

I leaned into his chest, laughing. He placed his arm around my shoulder, taking this opportunity to stay close, I wrapped my one arm around his lower back as we walked to class together.

Later that day after school, Brandon walked me to my car. "Do you have any plans on Saturday?"

"I don't think so."

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out... Maybe?"

I walked closer to him. Grabbing his hands, I interlocked our fingers. "Are you asking me out on a date?"


This made me smile and my heart race again, "I'd love to go out on a date with you."

"Good. Now I have something to look forward to."

He gave me one last kiss before we both headed to our homes. Saturday couldn't come fast enough.

Hello, sorry it's been a few days since I updated... BUT I did pre write three chapters to this book this past weekend that will be posted in the future. I had an idea in my head on where this book was leading and jumped ahead a little. I'm weird like that! 🤷🏼‍♀️

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