4- The break-up

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Riley's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks since school started and the shock of Brandon being back has died down.

Josh came over again last night after the football game and was hanging out with me all day today. Since my parents had the weekend off, Josh's parents were coming over for dinner tonight and they all wanted to talk to us about something.

I was laying in Josh's arms, running my hand up and down his arm. "I'm going to shower, then we should work on calc."

He groaned, "Please, I don't want to move just yet, baby."

I started laughing, "Well my parents just got home from getting stuff for tonight and I don't want them walking in here when we're like this."

He pulled me into a kiss, "Be quick!"

"I will."

I got out of bed, grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom.

After showering, I brushed my teeth and headed back into my room. We spent the rest of the afternoon working on our homework.

"I'm going to grab some water, do you want anything?"

"Yeah, I'll have some water too."

When I got back I noticed Josh reading something.

He turned toward me and threw the papers on the bed, "What the hell is this?"

I looked down at my acceptance letter to the University of Chicago. "Ummm..."

"Don't! When were you going to tell me?"

"It's not finalized yet, Josh. I mean I've told you I didn't want to become a doctor, now I have other options to choose from."

He just stood there staring at me.

"Say something." I demanded.

"A doctor is such a better choice, you can still write your books, plus we won't be at the same school-"

"Okay. I'm going to stop you right there! So is this career choice, just because it's not what Mom and Dad and obviously you want for me. This is my life and I think I have a say in what I want to do with it."

"Of course you do but I don't think this is right for you."

That hurt. No one seems to care what I want and he's supposed to be my partner and a person I can talk to about anything. Not someone who steers me away from something I wanted to do so badly.

"Out of everyone, I was hoping you... the person that said he loved me more than anything in this world, would understand. I want this Josh and if you can't understand that then maybe..." I stopped and paused for a moment. Was this what I really wanted too?

"Then maybe what?" He questioned.

"Maybe we should take a break!" I breathed out. I can't believe I just said that. I didn't want to lose him as a friend, I just couldn't be with him romantically anymore if he couldn't support me.

"Riley... Josh, dinner time." My mom yelled from downstairs.

Josh didn't say a word as he stormed out of the room, letting the door slam behind him.

I let out the breath I was holding, "Holy shit." I ran my fingers through my hair, I felt like a huge weight was just lifted off my shoulders. Now to make it through this very awkward dinner.

Walking downstairs I was greeted by Josh's parents. "Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm good Mrs. Ried, how are you guys?"

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