11- What happened

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Brandon's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the bar with my best friend and cousin, Jack in New York City. Dad wanted me to come 'home' for a quick visit and talk business, so here I was back in this city I hated.

Jack's dad was brothers with my dad and his right hand man, so when I would visit Dad growing up we would always hang out. Jack was there for me after the death of my mom and we grew even closer during that time, he even helped me get clean.

"How's it going back in Chicago?" He asked, taking a swig of his beer.


"You still don't want to take over for your dad, do you?"


Why would I? This life killed my mom. Being the only son of Daniel Gray has been anything but easy.

Mom and Dad met at a bar one night and had a short lived romance that resulted in me. Mom said she loved Dad but his life was too dangerous to raise a family and wanted more for me. Dad agreed for the time being... Little did I know at the time I would be summoned when I was older.

Mom never wanted this life for me and she literally fought to her death to keep me out of it.

I shook my head at the fucking memory that haunted my dreams.

"What are you going to do?"

"You could take over instead?" I suggested.

"I told you I'd be right by your side but I'm not doing this without you."

Rolling my eyes, I looked around noticing a girl trying to get my attention. Not being even a little bit interested, I turned back to Jack.

"Okay, who is she?"

"What?" I questioned.

"That girl over there is fucking fine as hell and obviously interested in you. Yet you couldn't look away fast enough... who is she?"

I let out a breath, "Riley, God I'm in so much trouble."

"Wait... Riley, as in Riley Riley?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes, I've been talking to her."

"So what's the problem? Ask her out."

"I'm leaving after senior year, how the hell is that going to work out?"

"So it's not just a fling for you, then bring her here if you guys work out. What happened with your mom sucked, but that doesn't mean it would happen to her."

I downed my beer, slammed the bottle on the table and got up. "How can I gamble with her life like that?"

Walking out of the bar, I was instantly shoved up against the wall hard. I didn't even look to see who it was before my fist collided with the man's side.


I was surrounded by a large group of men that I knew I wasn't able to fight off myself.

"I heard you were back, boy. How's the family?" He said, laughing hard.

I wanted to rip his fucking tongue out of his mouth. I've always blamed Antonio for the death of my mom but there was no proof he actually killed her. I knew... he hated me and hated my dad even more but Dad wouldn't let me kill him when I had the chance.

"Fuck you!"

I saw Jack walk out, noticing I was surrounded by Antonio's men, he came running over. There were too many men to fight off with just the two of us but at that point I didn't care. I took a swing knocking the guy out next to me. I started punching someone else, trying to get to Antonio but I was thrown backwards.

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