5- Ice Cream

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Riley's P.O.V.

Looking behind me, there stood Brandon in his black hoodie. He looked pissed, which was a new look to me because I've never seen any other expression on his face besides a blank or bored one.

His body language screamed power, which was another thing I wasn't used to seeing and very odd since he was a quiet high school student. I watched the guys back away as Brandon stalked forward.

Brandon grabbed the guy that had me pinned up against the wall by the back of his neck so he was looking him in the eyes.

"If I ever see you put your hands on another woman again without her consent, I'll kill you. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes!" He said, shaking. "I was just messing around, I wasn't going to hurt her."

"Get the fuck out of here." Brandon hissed, throwing the guy backwards.

I watched the four guys running off when Brandon interrupted my thoughts, "Be nice to people and leave girls alone, you big bunch of... of... jerks!"

I busted out laughing and lightly hit Brandon's arm, he was teasing me for that day in fourth grade when I tried telling Tommy off. "Are you seriously making fun of me right now?"

He turned my way, he wasn't mad anymore and had a slight smile on his face. "Maybe a little bit."

I laughed again, shaking my head. "Thank you for helping me."

He nodded his head, "Why are you here at this time of night? Those fuck heads are harmless but next time you might not get so lucky and I might not be here."

"I... I wasn't thinking, I just... it won't happen again." I sounded like an idiot but I didn't think he needed or wanted to hear about all my problems.

I nervously played with my fingers, "Can I thank you somehow? Maybe take you out for ice cream or something? Shit, it's going to have to be another time though because I don't have my purse."

"Did those assholes take it?"

"No. It's at home."

He looked at me like I've lost my ever loving mind. My hands went up as I crossed my arms, rubbing my arms for some warmth.

"Come with me!" He said, walking away.

I paused for a moment, he wouldn't save me from those guys and then kill me himself... right? Oh my God these fucking rumors at school are messing with my head.

He looked behind him, motioning to me. "Are you coming?"

I nodded my head and ran to catch up to him. He smiled a little as he turned back around and continued walking to wherever we were going.

I followed him to the street where there was a motorcycle waiting in the street.

He unzipped his hoodie and wrapped it around me. "You'll need this."

"What about you?" I asked, looking at his toned arms with tattoos that I hadn't seen before.

He smiled again, "I'll be fine."

I could smell Brandon's scent on his sweatshirt as I put my arms through the sleeves and zipped it up. It was a warm masculine scent that seemed to calm me.

"I don't have a helmet for you to wear, so I'll drive slow."

"You don't wear one?" I questioned.

He started laughing. "No." He got on his bike, kicking up the kickstand. He watched me, waiting patiently for me to get on.

Was I really going to do this? I looked into his brown eyes as he stared back at me. I couldn't help but smile and call me crazy but I felt completely safe with him.

Loving Brandon GrayWhere stories live. Discover now