27- Broken

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Riley's P.O.V.

(1 month later)

I was sitting in my windowsill staring out into the sky, watching as the clouds passed by. I was tired and felt sick to my stomach, the stress and anxiety of Brandon's death was taking a toll on me and I couldn't seem to get out of the depression I had fallen into.

Everyone was worried about me, I had even withdrawn myself from my friends. Paul and Brynn were the only ones besides my parents that sat with me and just let me cry, not saying a word as they held me.

My heart ached. Everything hurt.

Brandon and I weren't supposed to be apart, we should have been planning our life together, but he wasn't here.

After Brandon's death, Daniel took his body back to New York with him; just like Daniel always wanted. Daniel thought it was best if I didn't attend Brandon's funeral, he also guaranteed me that I would now be safe since Brandon had passed and I had no ties to the family anymore.

Fuck Daniel Gray. I hated that man.

I wiped the tears from my eyes as a wave of nausea hit me. Running to the bathroom I hovered over the toilet, puking the little amount of food I had left in my stomach because my parents made me eat. Sitting back against the wall, I started crying again.

A month?

I stopped crying thinking back to the times Brandon and I had sex and when I had my period last. We seldom wore any protection, I was on the pill but missed quite a few when I was sick.


I jumped in the shower, hoping this would take away the nausea, but it didn't. After my shower I got dressed, grabbed a few saltine crackers and headed out in my car. Stopping at the store, I grabbed a pregnancy test, paid and headed back home.

Rushing to the bathroom next to my room, I opened the box and peed on the pregnancy test as instructed.

I paced back and forth, waiting for the results. What seemed like an eternity was actually just a few minutes. I walked back to the sink and looked at the stick that could possibly change my world...


My eyes filled with tears. Happy tears! I was going to have Brandon's baby, our baby! I cried as I held my stomach, my miracle... my guarantee to always have a piece of Brandon with me, forever.

Throwing away the test and box, I put my shoes on and headed outside. I needed air, I've couped myself up for so long I just needed to breathe, especially with the news I just got.

Walking to the park down the road from my parents house, I sat down at an empty park bench, taking a deep breath in.

I watched as the kids played in the park. The mother's sitting back laughing as their little ones played. The dogs, running after the balls that their owners threw to them. Couples having picnics under the trees in the shade. The sounds of the birds chirping in the distance. Everyone seemed so happy and so relaxed... I envied them.

"Well, well well!" My thoughts were interrupted by a voice that scared me deeply.


He sat down next to me, "Miss Riley Adams, it's a pleasure seeing you again."

I looked around me, two of his men were behind us, while the last guy stood on the right side of me looking around the park.

"I wish I could say the same." I stood up to leave but he grabbed my hand roughly, another man placed his hand on my shoulder to make sure I stayed put.

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