34- Drink up

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Riley's P.O.V.

"An apology?" I questioned.


Well this should be good.

I sat back, drumming my fingernails on the table, waiting to hear what this man had to say to me.

"Listen, I'm not very good at this but what I did to you and Brandon was shitty. I was trying to do what I thought was best for the both of you at the time."

"No, you did what you thought was best for you."

"Yes, and that."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him.

"Every time you sass, roll your eyes or make that noise at me while I'm trying to do this, you take a shot." He moved my glass towards me, "Technically that should be two shots but I'll let one slide."

Picking up the glass, I lifted it up to my lips and downed the whole thing as I kept my eyes on him the whole time.

I started coughing as it went down my throat. "What the hell is that?"

He started laughing as he poured me another. "Whiskey, it's my favorite."

"Whiskey and peanut butter and jelly, got it."

"As I was saying, Brandon was born for this life... shitty life or not you can't just walk away from it. It wasn't my intention to break you guys up. Brandon's life was still on the line when we went back to New York and you being there would put your life in danger also. I thought if Antonio thought you weren't a part of our family anymore, he would have left you alone."

"Brandon stayed hidden for a long time, he needed time to heal so he wasn't targeted when he was down. He needed more time but he didn't want to be away from you any longer." Daniel shook his head, as if he felt bad about something.

"He was so heartbroken when he came back from Chicago without you."

"I seriously hate you."

He nodded at my glass to take a drink.

"You're taking one with me because so far your apology sucks."

He chuckled, "Alright, deal."

He picked his glass up, both clinking our glasses together before taking a shot.

"Seriously, this shit is awful. It needs to be chilled or something."

"It's actually perfect, you just need to toughen up a little bit."

He poured us both another glass.

Daniel let out a sigh before he continued. "After he came back without you, I was worried he was going to spiral again. It was then that I realized the mistake I had made. He shut everyone out, including Jack."

"Did he?" I questioned.

"Not with drugs, no. He turned to boxing instead, he let out a lot of steam there."

It was silent for a moment, "You're good for him, He's liked you for a very long time you know, I would hear him talk to Jack about this girl in Chicago and how you were the most amazing person he'd ever met. I had that at one time too, unfortunately I didn't fight for her."

He looked down, I've never seen Daniel like this before. He was always so put together and right now he was anything but.


He nodded. Picking up his glass, taking a shot. I followed, taking mine.

"Blah." I said after the fiery liquid burned my throat.

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