38- Forever

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Riley's P.O.V. (1 week later)

"Why am I so nervous?" I whispered to myself.

I was rushing around my closet trying to find the perfect outfit for my date with Brandon tonight.

After I shot Colin, Daniel confirmed Antonio had been killed. Walking out of the warehouse that night, hand and hand with Brandon, I saw Antonio laying there with multiple bullet wounds to the chest confirming Daniel's story. Not only did the Gray Mafia take down Antonio and his crew but the Night Angels also.

The following day, I told Brandon about how Antonio confessed to me that he was the one that killed his mother because Brandon needed that closure.

"Green... he likes green." I whispered to myself as I took the dress off the hanger and put it on.

" I whispered to myself as I took the dress off the hanger and put it on

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Straightening out the dress, I walked out of the closet.

"Mommy, pretty." Rosalie said as Brynn, Paul and Josh all sat on my bed watching me run around like a lunatic for the past hour.

"Awww, thank you baby." I grabbed a hold of her face, kissing her cheek.

"Seriously, Ri. You look great." Brynn assured me as she fixed a few strains of my hair.

"I just want this to be perfect and amazing and... fuck I'm going to throw up."

"Okay, my turn." Paul stood up. "Ri, you're being ridiculous! Do you love Brandon?"

I nodded.

"Then you're seriously freaking out for nothing. You guys were disgustingly cute in high school, sure you had a little bump in the road but that's okay because it only made you guys stronger. Even after all of that bullshit you guys are still in love with each other and have that beautiful little girl over there, so go get him tiger."

I let out the breath I was holding and smiled, "Thank you, Pauly."

"You're welcome." Paul pulled me into a hug, and started rubbing my back.

There was a knock on the door. I adjusted my dress again, taking a deep breath and opened the door.

I started smiling as Brandon stood there in his black suit, holding a bouquet of red roses.


"Hi, Riley. Wow, you look amazing!"

"Thank you, come in." I motioned for him to enter. You look amazing too."

I closed the door. Standing in front of me, he handed me the flowers and kissed my cheek, lingering there for a few moments.

"This dress really brings out those beautiful eyes of yours." He whispered against my cheek, sending chills down my spine.

My breath hitched as he pulled away. Backing away I went over, filling a vase with water and the flowers before setting them down on the center of the table.

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