9- Zombies

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Riley's P.O.V.

Walking out of my last class of the day, I was still smiling at the text Brandon sent to me after I gave him my number... 'Your world history partner'.

News traveled faster than lightning that I was partners on a project with Brandon and why people cared, was beyond me.

I was really looking forward to working on this project with him. Getting to know Brandon excited me and knowing he was in the parking lot waiting for me, excited me even more.

I heard my name being called, I turned towards Brynn as she ran up to me. "Where are you going? You want to grab dinner with us before the game?" Brynn asked.

"Actually, I'm going to skip the game tonight."

"What? Why?" Brynn questioned.

"Something came up and I really don't feel like going, especially to the after party. Go have fun and call me tomorrow, I want to hear how it went."

"Are you alright? You haven't missed a game... ever."

"Of course, I just can't tonight but I'll go next time."

"Okay." Brynn leaned in, hugging me. "You want to go to the mall on Sunday? I need some more clothes and maybe we can get our nails done?"

"You had me at nails, Brynn."

She laughed, "Perfect, I'll see if Kira and the other girls want to come too. I'll see you later, love you."

"Love you too." I turned around, walking towards the doors faster than normal so I wasn't stopped by anyone else.

Walking out to the parking lot I saw Brandon sitting on his motorcycle next to my car, smoking a cigarette.

"Smoking's really bad for you." I said approaching him.

He started laughing, "I thought you didn't want to become a doctor?"

"I don't, but I also don't want you dying of throat cancer either."

He took another drang off the cigarette before flicking it to the ground, shaking his head in amusement at me with a slight smirk. "I'll follow you."

I talked to my parents during the day, letting them know I was working on a school project tonight with a kid from school since they were working tonight and would still be home when we got there.

Once we got to my house, I was nervous about this encounter with my parents as we got closer to the front door.

"My parents are still home, they're nice and kind of cool but I don't know what to expect right now."

Brandon chuckled, following me inside and looked around. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked.

"I'm good right now, thanks."

My parents came around the corner, I probably should have told them that I was bringing a guy home because judging by the looks on their faces I left that part out.

Giving my parents a hug, I turned back towards Brandon. "Mom, Dad this is Brandon Gray. Brandon, these are my parents Richard and Deb."

"Brandon Gray? As in-"

"Yes, the kid from the fourth grade." And the man my parents knew as the bad boy and God knows what else they've heard about him.

Brandon held out his hand, shaking both their hands. "Nice to meet both of you."

"You too." They both smiled politely.

"So, you're the young man that brought my daughter home the other night?" Dad questioned.

Loving Brandon GrayWhere stories live. Discover now