32- What's taking you so long?

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Riley's P.O.V

Seriously, what the fuck just happened?

I was still staring at the door, shocked. The door that a man I thought I had loved just walked out of.

Colin has never been like that before. Ever!

Brandon was talking with the other men in my apartment as I tried calming myself the hell down.

"Help clean this place up for her." Brandon demanded.

"What kind of sick fuck would threaten telling a psychotic man like Antonio; who had once kidnapped their fiance, anything." Jack questioned.

"He didn't know about Antonio." I struggled to say.

"What?" Jack asked as everyone stared at me, waiting for confirmation of what I said was true.

I had a few tears in my eyes as I looked over at Brandon, "My parents, Josh and I... we thought it was best if we didn't tell anyone about Antonio to keep them safe. I never told Colin."

The tears fell as Brandon came up to me, interlocking our fingers together. "He works for him, doesn't he?"

"It kind of sounds that way." Brandon confirmed.

I broke down, "Oh my God, I'm so thankful I didn't tell him you were her real father. I'm such a horrible mother, he was alone with our daughter, Brandon. Colin could have taken her to Antonio or God knows what else he could have done to her."

"Hey. No, you're not." He pulled me into a tight hug as I cried. "You didn't know."

He stayed that way for a few moments until I heard Rosalie crying.

Pulling away, I wiped my tears away, "I'm going to go get her."

Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I sent a quick text to Josh.

Me- Are you busy tonight?

Josh- No, what's up?

Me- Can Rosalie and I spend the night?

Josh- Of course.

Me- Thank you! Brandon's here. Colin went crazy, I'll tell you all about it later. Be over in a bit. Xx

I went into Rosalie's room. "Hey baby. I'm so sorry, pumpkin." Picking her up, she instantly stopped fussing. "Boys are so complicated." I kissed the top of her head. "Come on, there's someone who wants to meet you."

I walked out of her room and down the hall. Rounding the corner, Brandon immediately stopped sweeping the mess on the floor when we came out.

His eyes locked in on Rosalie. His eyes never left hers as I walked closer. "Rosalie, this is my friend, Brandon. Can you say hi?"

She smiled, putting her face into my neck as if she was shy.

"Hi, Rosalie. It's nice to meet you."

He ran his finger up and down her arm, "She's beautiful, Riley."

"She is." I smiled at him.

He placed his hand on my side, bringing us all closer together. Rosalie finally sat up so she was looking at Brandon. He was playing with her fingers, smiling with a few tears in his eyes.

I noticed the tattoo that Brandon and I got together on our wrists. His was now a little different. I brought my hand up, gently grabbing a hold of his arm as I ran my thumb across his tattoo that now had my name in it.

I looked him in his eyes, "When did you do this?"

"A few years ago." He gave me a sad smile.

"Daddy!" Rosalie yelled, trying to get down.

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