*Asta comes down the stairs to see Juilius mid-conversation with what seems to be two royals who look like the girl he just met*
Juilius:Look as I said Nozel brought her and now she's in the tow-oh hey Asta where you going?
*The two figures turn around to see who julius was talking to*
Asta:Oh I was just leaving since that girl up there said it was her room that and I don't want to bother her.
???:*Mockingly says to themselves*Tch ha what are those filthy clothes ha-*smack* Ow!
???:You can't just say that about someone. You don't know what's truly going on with him.
Julius: Oh where are my manners Asta this Nebra and Acier her mother.
Acier:Well hello Asta it's nice to meet you.
Asta:Hello ma'am. Sorry but I must really get going I don't want to bother any of you.
Acier:You're okay sweetie.
Nebra:*Mumbling to herself* While your out get better clothers you look like a peasant.*Smack*Ow!
Acier:Didn't I tell you to quit?!
Nebra:I'm so-
Asta:Don't be sorry cause your right. I am peasant. And I have no right being here in the presence of any royals or anywhere near here so if you'll excuse me.
Julius:Asta wait!
*The doors shut*
Acier:Nebra go talk to Noelle.
Nebra:Yes ma'am.*Nebra leaves*
Acier:I'm sorry about her behavior.
Julius:You're fine Acier.
Acier: What's the story behind Asta wasn't it?
Julius:Right.I would usually let him tell it but he's not here so *inhales and sighs* I'll tell you but it stays between us okay?
*After about an hour and a half of explaining Asta's story*
Acier:*Slightly crying* Oh my gosh..poor baby.
Julius:And I only found him because I happened to be in the area looking for yami's katana.
Acier:Poor Asta..do you any any idea where he might of ran off too?
Julius:Your guess is good as mine.
*Nebra and Noelle come down the steps just as the front door opens and Nozel is there with someone*
Nebra and Noelle:Oh hey mom hey Nozel.
Acier:Hello you two. Nozel who is that with you?
A familiar voice:Hello again...
Julius and Acier:ASTA!
Nozel:You know this peasant?
Julius:Yes I do. He is the one i had in the tower.
Nozel:This is who that was?!
Julius:Yes it was also Asta I have a proposal for you.
Asta:Sure what is it sir Julius?
Julius:Just call me Julius but how would you like to join the magic knights?

The Revenant And The Princess
FanfictionAsta loses what he called his family and almost dies himself. Asta seeks revenge for what happened to his village and his family. After coming back from the brink of death Asta meets Noelle who is a lot more an easy going person. Side Note:Asta is 1...