Chapter 49:The Final Stretch

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*The next day Noelle wakes up but finds no one in the base except Vanessa*

Noelle:Where is everyone?

Vanessa:Well they got sick of waiting for Asta to return from the Heart Kingdom so they went there to pick him up.


Vanessa:Yep. And your mother ran into town for groceries or something.

*Noelle walks over to the pantry and opens it*

Noelle:Well that's odd.


Noelle:We have plenty of food here. So where is mom going?

Vanessa:Huh that is weird.

*With Asta and Solince*

Asta:How much farther?

Solince:Well in about two more weeks we will be there.

Asta:Fuck...alright...wait what about other Devil Lord?

Solince:Well I actually know a way past Lord Beelzebub but it will take longer.

Asta:Shit. It's either risk a big battle or more time.....Fuck let's go around I might as well save my strength for the main target.

Solince:Alright. From here it will take five months.

Asta:Well that's what I signed up for.


*With Noelle*

Yami:You said Asta was at the heart kingdom but when we got there Lolopechka said Asta is no where in the kingdom. So where is he?!

Noelle:I don't know that's what he told me!

Yami:Shit! Where the hell are you at Asta...

*Nacht appears*

Nacht:Ah Noelle,Acier there you are. Huh?

Magna:Nacht sir do you by any chance know where Asta has gone.

Nacht:I do but he told the three of us to not tell.

Yami:The three?

Nacht:Yes the three. But they are not of this squad.

Acier:*In her head* Nacht you motherfucker. You are so lucky

Noelle:*In her head*Nacht you motherfucker. You are so lucky

Nacht:*Smiles and the laughs* Well I must get going. I have important things to do.


*Nacht leaves*

Yami:Well where the hell could Asta be?

Magna:It sucks that he didn't tell us.


Charmy:I can't even eat.

Luck:Man I really wanted to fight him too.

Gordon:*Whispering* I know that deep in my heart Asta is fine. He is my best friend an know one knows him like me and Noelle. He is strong. He'll be fine.

Finral:Still can't understand you dude but whatever you said I agree with.

Gauche:Well he better hurry up or I'll kill him if he makes Marie worry.

Acier:I just don't get it.

Nero:Wherever he is he'll be fine. That meathead doesn't know when to give up.

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