*The next morning Asta is woken up to a nice sensation on his head*
Asta:Huh what?
Noelle:Ah your finally awake.
Asta:*In a sick voice*Oh good morning.
Noelle:Are you okay? You sound sick.
Asta:I feel sick.
Noelle:*Checks his temperature*Yeah you're running a 110 Fever.
Asta:Well shit.
Noelle:Here let me take care of you. Just lay back down. I'll go get a wet rag.
Asta:Alright. Thank you Noelle.
*Noelle leaves to go get the rag and some medicine*
Asta:Damn. Does mom have like a seeing the future ability or something?!
Liebe:To be fair it was like forty two degrees out last night.
Liebe:Yeah now I'm going back to sleep.
Asta:Well I'm alone again. Fuck man and I planning a date to make up for lost time.
*Noelle walks in the the things*
Noelle:Alright Dorksta I have your things.
Asta:Oh thank you.
Noelle:Here take this. It's a multivitamin and antibiotics.
Asta:Do I need water for them?
Noelle:No there cheawies see.
Asta:Oh okay.*Takes them both*
Noelle:Now lay down so I can put this wet rag on your forehead.
*As Noelle is putting the rag on Asta's head he is just staring at her*
Noelle:What is it?
Asta:Oh nothing I'm just awe struck right now.
Noelle:*Slighty blushes*And why's that.
Asta:Because I'm still baffled at how I've kept an angel like you.
Noelle:Even when your sick your still a smooth talker.
Asta:*Chuckles* Well at least I still got it huh.
Noelle:*Chuckles while turning on the music player* Yeah that you do babe.
*It start to storm as Noelle leaves and comes back with Asta's brunch*
Asta:Oh thank you babe.
Noelle:Don't mention it.
Asta:*Starts eating* Is it raining?
Noelle:Yeah I think it just started too.
Asta:Damn. Me getting sick,now this.
Noelle:Eh it's not too bad. I mean hey it could be worse.
Asta:*Finishes eating*True,I guess it can be.
Noelle:*Grabs the his plate* Yep now I'll be back you just lay back down and put the rag on ill be back.
Asta:Alright.*Lays down and puts the rag in his forehead*

The Revenant And The Princess
FanfictionAsta loses what he called his family and almost dies himself. Asta seeks revenge for what happened to his village and his family. After coming back from the brink of death Asta meets Noelle who is a lot more an easy going person. Side Note:Asta is 1...