Chapter 55:A Stormy Day

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*The next morning Asta is woken up to a nice sensation on his head*

Asta:Huh what?

Noelle:Ah your finally awake.

Asta:*In a sick voice*Oh good morning.

Noelle:Are you okay? You sound sick.

Asta:I feel sick.

Noelle:*Checks his temperature*Yeah you're running a 110 Fever.

Asta:Well shit.

Noelle:Here let me take care of you. Just lay back down. I'll go get a wet rag.

Asta:Alright. Thank you Noelle.

*Noelle leaves to go get the rag and some medicine*

Asta:Damn. Does mom have like a seeing the future ability or something?!

Liebe:To be fair it was like forty two degrees out last night.


Liebe:Yeah now I'm going back to sleep.

Asta:Well I'm alone again. Fuck man and I planning a date to make up for lost time.

*Noelle walks in the the things*

Noelle:Alright Dorksta I have your things.

Asta:Oh thank you.

Noelle:Here take this. It's a multivitamin and antibiotics.

Asta:Do I need water for them?

Noelle:No there cheawies see.

Asta:Oh okay.*Takes them both*

Noelle:Now lay down so I can put this wet rag on your forehead.


*As Noelle is putting the rag on Asta's head he is just staring at her*

Noelle:What is it?

Asta:Oh nothing I'm just awe struck right now.

Noelle:*Slighty blushes*And why's that.

Asta:Because I'm still baffled at how I've kept an angel like you.

Noelle:Even when your sick your still a smooth talker.

Asta:*Chuckles* Well at least I still got it huh.

Noelle:*Chuckles while turning on the music player* Yeah that you do babe.


*It start to storm as Noelle leaves and comes back with Asta's brunch*

Asta:Oh thank you babe.

Noelle:Don't mention it.

Asta:*Starts eating* Is it raining?

Noelle:Yeah I think it just started too.

Asta:Damn. Me getting sick,now this.

Noelle:Eh it's not too bad. I mean hey it could be worse.

Asta:*Finishes eating*True,I guess it can be.

Noelle:*Grabs the his plate* Yep now I'll be back you just lay back down and put the rag on ill be back.

Asta:Alright.*Lays down and puts the rag in his forehead*

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