Chapter 43:For Hage

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*The next morning Noelle wakes up and walks down stairs to see Asta waiting*

Noelle:What are you waiting on?

Asta:Oh your awake. Well I was waiting on you because we have a mission with the golden dawn.

Noelle:Well let me eat and I'll get ready.

*Thirty minutes go by and Asta and Noelle are making their way to the capital*

Noelle:So what's the mission about?

Asta:Well Julius said there is a traitor hiding out in the ruins of Hage.

Noelle:Are sure you can-

Asta:I'll be fine. Your with me after all.

*Asta's words warmed Noelle's heart*

Asta:Theres the demon skull. Our drop point is just up ahead.

Noelle:*In her head* Asta seems to be taking this very seriously. I wonder what has him all up tight?

Klaus:Asta you made it!

Asta:Hey Klaus!

Klaus:Oh hello Noelle.

Asta:Is the target here?

Klaus:Yes Alecdora is looking for him now.


Noelle:So who are we looking for again?

Asta:There's a traitor located here I'm guessing Alecdora went on his own to "Prove his worth to Vangence".


Asta:Go figure. Well let's go rendezvous with him.


Noelle:Roger.*In her head* Asta is a lot more commanding on this mission. I wonder what's up.

*Twenty minutes pass by before they find Alecdora*

Asta:What's the news about the traitor?

Alecdora:Let me guess this wizard king send you black bull runts.

Asta:Yes now answer my question.

Alecdora:I don't need to answer to you. You are not my commander officer now shut up peasant.

Noelle:Hey don't talk him like that!

Alecdora:Quiet you disgrace. You soil the house Silva by being in that squad and being with this commoner.

Asta:Alecdora you leave my fiance alone and answer my fucking question before you piss me off.

Alecdora:What did you day something runt. I couldn't hear over you pitiful excuse for a life.

*Alecdora grabs Asta by his collar but this is all that Asta needed*


Alecdora:What's so funny?

Asta:Hey Klaus.

Klaus:Yes Asta?

Asta:It seem we found our target.

Klaus:It appears that way indeed.

Noelle:Wait what do you mean?

Alecdora:Wait found our targe- Wait a minute.

*Alecdora look at Asta in fear as Asta pick him up by the throat and slamming him into the floor*



*Asta throws Alexdora in the air*


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