Chapter 20:The Inn

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*Immediately after Asta kissed Noelle*

Noelle:Wait Asta was that your answer?!*Referring to the kiss*

Asta:Yeah that's my answer.

Noelle:Why such a bold move?! *in her head* it felt nice.

Asta:Well honestly it really depended on your answer but I got the answer I was hoping for so I gave you mine.

Noelle:So what made you like me?

Asta:Well words like really doesn't fit the feelings I have towrds you but what I can tell you is what made me realize those feelings.

Noelle:And what was it?

Asta:The beach.

Noelle:The beach?

Asta:Yeah when I was have a mental breakdown you showed up and said the things you said which made me realize my true feelings and on top of that everytime I get depressed you were the first one to check up on me.

Noelle:Oh yeah I kinda did that didn't I?

Asta:And I thank you for that Noelle.

Noelle:Oh it was nothing really.

Asta:And something else.


Asta:?Lays down in the bed* About that request you made..

Noelle:I'd love too.

*Noelle crawls up next to Asta and cuddles him*

Asta:Thank you Noe-...Babe for helping me realize everything.


Noelle:It was nothing honestly. I was just helping my teddy bear feel better.

*Both Asta and Noelle hild each other tightly falling fast asleep while everyone is passed out from drinking*

*The next day*

*Acier gets up from the couch after realizing Asta and Noelle aren't down here*

Acier:Huh I wonder where they could be at?

*Acier opens up Asta's room and sees a familiar site except Noelle and Asta seem a lot happier*

Acier:Well they look happy *she says out loud waking Asta*

Asta:Huh?? Is it morning already?!

Acier:Did you sleep good kiddo?


*Noelle slowly rises up rubbing her eyes*

Noelle:Is it morning already?

Acier:Yeah sweet-

Asta cuts her off without realizing it and say to Noelle*

Asta:Yeah it's morning already babe.

Noelle:Aww but I wanted to cuddle more.

Asta:I know you do because I want to too but we gotta get up.

Noelle:Ugh fine.

*Asta and Noelle look over at Acier who is in complete shock*

Asta:Mom you okay??

Acier:Babe?! Mom?!...What did I miss last night?!

Asta:Well I asked Noelle how she felt about me and got the answer I hoped for to hear, She asked me the same question I kissed her then we went to bed.

Acier:My babygirl got her first kiss OHH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU SWEETIE!!

Noelle:Thanks mom?

Asta:Well all I did was kiss you. Is there something special about that?

Noelle:Yeah there is Dorksta it's called a first kiss ya big dummy.

Asta:Well I guess you were my first kiss too Noelle.

Acier:Aww cute you two but it's time for more of the vacation so let's get going.

Asta:Yeah sorry about that.

Acier: It's fine lets get going you two love birds.

Noelle:Mom quit it.*Blushing slightly*

Acier:*Chuckles* No.

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