*Immediately after Asta kissed Noelle*
Noelle:Wait Asta was that your answer?!*Referring to the kiss*
Asta:Yeah that's my answer.
Noelle:Why such a bold move?! *in her head* it felt nice.
Asta:Well honestly it really depended on your answer but I got the answer I was hoping for so I gave you mine.
Noelle:So what made you like me?
Asta:Well words like really doesn't fit the feelings I have towrds you but what I can tell you is what made me realize those feelings.
Noelle:And what was it?
Asta:The beach.
Noelle:The beach?
Asta:Yeah when I was have a mental breakdown you showed up and said the things you said which made me realize my true feelings and on top of that everytime I get depressed you were the first one to check up on me.
Noelle:Oh yeah I kinda did that didn't I?
Asta:And I thank you for that Noelle.
Noelle:Oh it was nothing really.
Asta:And something else.
Asta:?Lays down in the bed* About that request you made..
Noelle:I'd love too.
*Noelle crawls up next to Asta and cuddles him*
Asta:Thank you Noe-...Babe for helping me realize everything.
Noelle:It was nothing honestly. I was just helping my teddy bear feel better.
*Both Asta and Noelle hild each other tightly falling fast asleep while everyone is passed out from drinking*
*The next day*
*Acier gets up from the couch after realizing Asta and Noelle aren't down here*
Acier:Huh I wonder where they could be at?
*Acier opens up Asta's room and sees a familiar site except Noelle and Asta seem a lot happier*
Acier:Well they look happy *she says out loud waking Asta*
Asta:Huh?? Is it morning already?!
Acier:Did you sleep good kiddo?
*Noelle slowly rises up rubbing her eyes*
Noelle:Is it morning already?
Acier:Yeah sweet-
Asta cuts her off without realizing it and say to Noelle*
Asta:Yeah it's morning already babe.
Noelle:Aww but I wanted to cuddle more.
Asta:I know you do because I want to too but we gotta get up.
Noelle:Ugh fine.
*Asta and Noelle look over at Acier who is in complete shock*
Asta:Mom you okay??
Acier:Babe?! Mom?!...What did I miss last night?!
Asta:Well I asked Noelle how she felt about me and got the answer I hoped for to hear, She asked me the same question I kissed her then we went to bed.
Acier:My babygirl got her first kiss OHH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU SWEETIE!!
Noelle:Thanks mom?
Asta:Well all I did was kiss you. Is there something special about that?
Noelle:Yeah there is Dorksta it's called a first kiss ya big dummy.
Asta:Well I guess you were my first kiss too Noelle.
Acier:Aww cute you two but it's time for more of the vacation so let's get going.
Asta:Yeah sorry about that.
Acier: It's fine lets get going you two love birds.
Noelle:Mom quit it.*Blushing slightly*
Acier:*Chuckles* No.

The Revenant And The Princess
FanfictionAsta loses what he called his family and almost dies himself. Asta seeks revenge for what happened to his village and his family. After coming back from the brink of death Asta meets Noelle who is a lot more an easy going person. Side Note:Asta is 1...