Chapter 59:Forgiveness

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*Immediately after the battle*


Asta:Something me and Liebe unlocked why?


Liebe:Guess you could say that.

Asta:Its a compliment Liebe.

Liebe:Oh. Thank you Julius.

Julius:You're welcome. Also what do you call that spell??

Asta:Its called Devil Union.

Nacht:That was more than just devil union and you know it.

Asta:*Scratches the back of his head and nervously laughs* Yeah...

Noelle:So what actually is it?

Liebe:When we were down in hell figh-

Nozel:Wait you two went to hell?!

Asta:Yeah we killed Lucifer and Megicula. Then made Beelzebub king after I left and gave him the throne.

Nacht:Wait a sec I think we skipped a few chapters. You fucking what?!

Asta:You heard me. The seven years I was gone I was basically the king of hell and during my time there I changed it completely.

Noelle:Okay I didnt know that.

Acier:I dont think any of us did.

Asta:Oh crap that reminds me!


Asta:Julius do you remember my transmission device??

Julius:Yeah why?

Asta:Do you still have the one that's linked to it.

Julius:Right here why? *Pulls it out*

Asta:Here let me see it. Because if it works I have a friend to show you all.

Noelle:A friend?!

Asta:Yeah. Here we go and let's set it to big screen.

*The device rings for about fifteen seconds before someone pick it up*

???:Its about damn time you called shit head.

Asta:Well fuck you too asshole.

*To the dismay of everyone Asta and the figure are laughing*

Noelle:Uhm Asta.


Noelle:You do realize we cant see him because he's covered by shadows.

???:*In the background* Hey Asta who's that??

Asta:Oh shit my bad Noelle. Hey bro could yo-

???:WAIT A SEC THATS NOELLE?! Damn Asta you didnt tell me she was such a good looker?!

Asta:Well shes mine so back off ya dickhead.*Chuckles as Liebe appears on Asta's shoulder*

???:Oh Liebe what's up man!

Liebe:Nothing much you?

???:Ah ya know. Some old same old.

Liebe:Figured. Also could you turn on a light or something everyone else cant see you.

???:Oh shit my bad. Here gimme a sec.

*While the person goes away to turn some lights on Noelle looks at Asta with concern*

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