Chapter 52:I'm Home For Good

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Gordon:Asta that was amazing.

Asta:Thanks but I uh kinda don't feel good.


*Asta falls on the ground but still awake*

Gordon:Poison Magic:Garden of Salvation.



Solince:You are one crazy son of a bitch you know that.

Asta:*Chuckles* Yeah I know.

Beelzebub:Well you held up your end.

Asta:Yep feel free it's right there.

Beelzebub:Thank you Asta.


Solince:Helping us.

Asta:No problem. It's the least i could do.

Solince:Again thank you

Asta:Now go be king of hell Beelzebub. Hey why don't you solince be his right hand man and try to make this place better?

Solince:Hey that's not bad.

Beelzebub:I agree.

Gordon:Well we better get back to the others Asta. It's been almost a year and a half now. They miss you.


Solince:Goodbye friend.

Asta:Goodbye Solince. Hopefully we'll meet again. I enjoyed our time together.

Solince:Me too.

Beelzebub:Also Gordon was it?

Gordon:Yeah what's up?

Beelzebub:Yhank you for healing us all we are in your debt.

Gordon:Don't mention it. Any friend of Asta's is a friend of mine.

Solince:Good bye you three.


*Gordon summons his broom which he assist Asta on.*

Asta:Thanks. How long will this take?

Gordon:With both of us. I'd say an hour cause the portal is right up here.


*An hour goes by and the two bulls see the portal*


Asta:Oh thank god.

Gordon:Let's not keep them waiting.


*The two bulls cross back over into the human realm in Nacht's old manor*

Nacht:Its good to see you Asta. Now let's go.

*The three are teleported the front then Nacht tells Asta to stay in his room because its Noelle's birthday*

Asta:Oh I see what you want me to do.

Nacht:Yeah now go.

*Gordon opens the door*

Acier:Gordon!! Hey wheres Asta?

Nacht:We ran into a problem.


Nacht:Asta can't leave the underworld at this moment in time.

Noelle:What why?!?!?

Nacht:I don't know. I'll have to look into it.

Noelle:*Starts to cry*

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