Gordon:Asta that was amazing.
Asta:Thanks but I uh kinda don't feel good.
*Asta falls on the ground but still awake*
Gordon:Poison Magic:Garden of Salvation.
Solince:You are one crazy son of a bitch you know that.
Asta:*Chuckles* Yeah I know.
Beelzebub:Well you held up your end.
Asta:Yep feel free it's right there.
Beelzebub:Thank you Asta.
Solince:Helping us.
Asta:No problem. It's the least i could do.
Solince:Again thank you
Asta:Now go be king of hell Beelzebub. Hey why don't you solince be his right hand man and try to make this place better?
Solince:Hey that's not bad.
Beelzebub:I agree.
Gordon:Well we better get back to the others Asta. It's been almost a year and a half now. They miss you.
Solince:Goodbye friend.
Asta:Goodbye Solince. Hopefully we'll meet again. I enjoyed our time together.
Solince:Me too.
Beelzebub:Also Gordon was it?
Gordon:Yeah what's up?
Beelzebub:Yhank you for healing us all we are in your debt.
Gordon:Don't mention it. Any friend of Asta's is a friend of mine.
Solince:Good bye you three.
*Gordon summons his broom which he assist Asta on.*
Asta:Thanks. How long will this take?
Gordon:With both of us. I'd say an hour cause the portal is right up here.
*An hour goes by and the two bulls see the portal*
Asta:Oh thank god.
Gordon:Let's not keep them waiting.
*The two bulls cross back over into the human realm in Nacht's old manor*
Nacht:Its good to see you Asta. Now let's go.
*The three are teleported the front then Nacht tells Asta to stay in his room because its Noelle's birthday*
Asta:Oh I see what you want me to do.
Nacht:Yeah now go.
*Gordon opens the door*
Acier:Gordon!! Hey wheres Asta?
Nacht:We ran into a problem.
Nacht:Asta can't leave the underworld at this moment in time.
Noelle:What why?!?!?
Nacht:I don't know. I'll have to look into it.
Noelle:*Starts to cry*

The Revenant And The Princess
FanfictionAsta loses what he called his family and almost dies himself. Asta seeks revenge for what happened to his village and his family. After coming back from the brink of death Asta meets Noelle who is a lot more an easy going person. Side Note:Asta is 1...