Thank You All.

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I wanted to thank you all who are reading my first ever story so far it means a lot to me and I am truly sorry about how the first like 16 or so chapters were so short that's on me so I'm sorry about was still trying to find my footing lmao I will try and make them longer. I've been real busy with work but I'll try and pump out as much as I can. But once again I can't express how much it means to have you all read it. And i know it's bad but its whatever I'm not trying to be number one once so ever. I just want to write for my entertainment and yours. So who ever you are reading this yes I'm talking the one behind this screen right now. I hope that the rest of your day/night is good for you and I hope everything gets better for you if it's not. Long May The Sun Shine Upon You Friends. Be safe.

Anyways here's a meme and song I like lmao so feel free to check out. Ight bye.

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