What is up you sexy feckers I just wanted to thank you for what 6.32K READS LIKE WTF.I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT MUCH HOLY SHIT LMAO.But I want to say I'm really grateful you guys are enjoying the story (if you are enjoying it). Hopefully they are decently long I don't know so if you guys think they are still too short lmk cause I'm always open to make them longer if need be. Also if you've notice it haven't noticed I've been putting references from other animes,video games etc etc in character dialogue. But truly from the bottom of my heart I thank each and every one of you sexy fuckers for reading my book it means a lot to me.
Also the music I put in the chapter do you guys like that kinda thing does it help with immersion or no??
Let me know down in the comments.(Wtf am I now a youtuber tf?! Lmao)

The Revenant And The Princess
FanfictionAsta loses what he called his family and almost dies himself. Asta seeks revenge for what happened to his village and his family. After coming back from the brink of death Asta meets Noelle who is a lot more an easy going person. Side Note:Asta is 1...