Noelle:Well I'm coming too.
Acier:No your not.
Noelle:What why?!
Acier:I get everyone here is strong but they're going to need a strong person around too.
Noelle:*Sigh* If you say long will it be Asta?
Asta:Uhh let me see I'm 16 now and my birthday is in six months so yeah six months.
Noelle:SIX MONTHS?! I cant wait that long..
Asta:Well whule I'm gone how about you train yourself. I'll take Finral so he can make a portal when Acier wants to head back and forth.
Acier:Asta that is actually a very smart idea.
Noelle:Well when are you leaving?
Acier:Well it's Noon so why don't you go outside and enjoy yourself a bit more.
Asta:Alright let me get properly dressed.
Noelle:I'll be outside.
*Noelle leaves*
Acier:So Asta.
Acier:Is it officiall?
Asta:Well I haven't asked her out yet.
Acier:Ah I see.
Asta:That's also another reason why I'm taking the trip. Cause if I ask her now she's gonna be sad when I leave that and I want to see the joy on her face once I come back.
Acier:Well aren't you a sweet one.
Asta:*Slightly Blushes* Yeah haha.
Acier:Well I'll be outside if you need anything.
*Acier leaves*
Asta:*Looks at his grimoire* I'm gonna figure you out grimoire.
*It's Dusk and everyone is inside relaxing*
Asta:Well I'm going to go bathe ill be back in a bit.
*Asta gets fresh clothes,soap,and shampoo*
Asta:Alright time to relax.
*Gets undressed,turns on some calming music,then gets in*
(You can listen to it if you want it's what he is listening to)
Asta:This is nice...
*Asta falls asleep for about 20 minutes*
*The doors open*
Vanessa:So this is wher-oh.
Acier:What is it?
Vanessa:*Whispering* It's Asta he fell asleep in the bath.
Noelle:*Whispering*Oh okay should we wake him cause I want to take a bath as well.
Vanessa:*Whispering*Well theres a slight problem with that.
Acier:*Whispering* And what's that?
Vanessa:*Whispering* He got in the wrong bath.*Snickers a little *
Acier:*Snickering as well as whispering* Asta you oaf.
*Noelle goes between the two woman in the front*
Noelle:Well I dont care I'm taking a bath and that's final.
Vanessa:As much as I thi k its weird I agree with her because I stink too.
Acier:Same here.
*The two ladies go and get their thi vs while Noelle already had hers and is entering the womens bath that Asta accidentally got in*
Noelle:Ahh that feel nice..*As she sinks into the water*
*Acier and Vanessa enter the room and get in the bath as well*
Vanessa:It feels weird having a guy in the same bath as us.
Acier:I don't mind.
Noelle:It doesn't bother me
Vanessa:*Looks over at Asta*He looks so peaceful. I've never seen him like that before. He always has a grim and depressing look on his face.
Noelle:That's because that's the only thing he feels.
Noelle:Yeah. I'm guessing he hasn't told any of you.
Vanessa:No he hasn't what is it?
Noelle:Well it's not my place to sa-
Asta:It's because of what happened to me three months ago...
Vanessa,Acier, and Noelle:Asta?!?
*The rest of the Black bulls walk in to take baths and after getting settled down Asta goes to share his story*
Vanessa:Okay so Asta what is it you want to share with us?
Asta:So from what I heard you all wonder why I always look grim and depressed?
Asta:Well that's what I feel. And that's what I'm about to explain why.
Asta:Now is there anything you want to say before I start?
*Everyone start to think while Noelle moves next to Asta ready for what's about to happen and Acier staying quiet.*
*Asta shares his past and is holding back so many emotions while Noelle is trying to comfort him*
Magna:Damn man....
Gordon:Well we are here for you...
Luck:I'm sorry Asta...
Gauche:That's horrible to hear...
Charmy:Would some food help you La?
Vanessa:I had no idea...I'm sorry I asked...
Asta:It's fine..I'm just going to go to bed.
*An hour later Noelle comes in his room and goes to sleep with him*
*While laying down*
Noelle:Hey Asta?
Asta:Yeah Noelle?
Noelle:Just promise you'll be safe okay.
Asta:Don't worry Noelle i will now get some shut eye and don't worry so much. I'll be fine. I'll just need you to protect everyone while I'm gone.
Noelle:I will. *She pecks his cheeck and falls asleep*
Asta:*In his head* You'll get stronger Noelle I can tell.

The Revenant And The Princess
FanfictionAsta loses what he called his family and almost dies himself. Asta seeks revenge for what happened to his village and his family. After coming back from the brink of death Asta meets Noelle who is a lot more an easy going person. Side Note:Asta is 1...