*All three of the Black Bulls are riding the same broom heading to Hage Village for their mission*
Vanessa:So Noelle have you ever been to the forsaken realm before?
Noelle:No not really I've always heard bad things about from other royals and nobles.
Vanessa:How about you Asta?
Vanessa:*To herself*What's up with him?
Noelle:Hey we're here right? The giant skull?
Vanessa:Yep we are. We're landing now.
*They land and get off the broom and start to walk to the village*
Vanessa:So how do you think the people he will be like?
Noelle:I don't know Asta is the first commoner I've every talked to so.
Vanessa:Oh hey asta by the way I never asked. Where are you from?
Asta:*Mumbles under his breath* Here...
Vanessa:What did you say Asta I couldn't hear you? Oh woah there's a burnt church up there maybe we should start there.
Noelle:Okay...*To herself* I'm worried about Asta he seems off.
Vanessa:So Noe-HEY Asta what the hell ma-Huh??
Noelle:Asta wait!
Vanessa:Where is he going and damn he's fast.
*As Noelle and Vanessa slowly go up the hill to the church to get to Asta the two girls see Asta talking to someone but then see the horrible site*
Vanessa:O-Oh no...
*Asta looking at the corpses of his once called families corpses still here with tears in his eyes and holding his grimoire*
Asta:Look Guys....I got my grimoire....are you proud of me?
*Asta immediately starts to break down completely and it starts to rain while the girls stand there speechless*
Asta:DAMMIT...WHY...WHY DID IT HAVE TO HAPPEN...i wasn't strong enough to protect you all and I'm sorry...my weakness costed you guys your lives....all because I was too powerless to do anything.....I'm a failure like everyone said...Yuno...im sorry buddy but I can't become the wizard king anymore not since that day....well I guess I should give you all a proper burial then.....*Asta proceeds to give them all a proper burial*
Asta:...I love you and miss you all....sorry i wasn't strong enough...Goodbye everyone...I hope you in a better place now....
*Asta heads back to the girls who had left him be while they tried to find anyone in the village but couldnt*
Vanessa:Well we couldn't find anyone or anything. How about you Asta?
Asta:No couldn't find anyone...might as well go back home and call off the mission...
Vanessa:Yeah no point in wasting time let get a move on before we catch a cold.

The Revenant And The Princess
FanfictionAsta loses what he called his family and almost dies himself. Asta seeks revenge for what happened to his village and his family. After coming back from the brink of death Asta meets Noelle who is a lot more an easy going person. Side Note:Asta is 1...