Chapter 26:The Underwater Temple

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*Vanessa shocked after reading Asta's note*

Vanessa:That idiot he isn't a burden on any of us why would he say something so stupid like that.

Noelle:I don't know....

Gordon:*Not Whispering* It's because he blames himself for his families death.

Vanessa:Why whould he do that?

Noelle:Because he thinks he was too weak to protect them since he has no magic. So now he hates himself and he thinks he isn't worth a damn which just isn't true.

Gordon:Yeah it isn't true because if he wasn't he would be where he is at today.

Vanessa:I guess that can be said for all of us.


*Yami enters the room*

Yami:So what are y'all in here gossiping about,also where's the kid?

Noelle:He took an offer Julius gave so now he will be gone for six months in the heart kingdom.

Yami:Ah got it. Well by the looks of it Acier went with him?


Yami:Well until his return you all have a six month vacation whatever you want.


Yami:Yep now I'm going see ya.

*Yami leaves and Vanessa gives Noelle a hug to cheer her up and leaves as well*

Noelle:*To herself* safe you big idiot...

*Six months go by and Noelle is woken up by a knock on her door*

Noelle:Huh?!?? Come in.

*Acier enters*

Acier:Hey sweetie how are you feeling?


*Noelle excited rushes over to hug her mother*

Noelle:Wait how did you get here?

Acier:Well Julius came by and I decided to come back since I did what I said I was going to do.

Noelle:So Asta is still over there..

Acier:Yeah he is..

Noelle:It's been six months and it feels like a year since I've seen him.

Acier:Its the same for him too ya know.

Noelle:What do you mean?

Acier:He pestered the crap out of Julius on how you were doing.Though now that I look at it..ah never mind.

Noelle:Alright keep your secrets then.

Acier:Well do you guys have any plans for tomorrow?

Noelle:No why?

Acier:There's a place I want to take you all.

Noelle:Where's to?

Acier:The Underwater Temple.But you should probably get some sleep. Night sweetie love you.

Noelle:Night,love you too mom.

*The next day Acier and everyone is at the water temple*

Charmy:Ooooh all the delicious food I could taste yaaay!

Magna:Woah Charmy let's not get ahead of ourselves now.

Luck:I wonder if there are any strong fighters here.

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