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It was my final year of law school, and I was dreading the gruesome family reunion that was yet to come after I graduated.

I graduated college at twenty years old with a masters degree, most of my peers calling me a 'genius' when in reality I really just had nothing better to do with my time then to fill my nights with lots of studying and overworking.

I didn't like to drink, and I definitely didn't like to attend frat parties. That being one of the reasons why my best friend, Natalie often ditched me.

Natalie was still in regular college like a regular person who didn't graduate two or three years early.

Aside from my broken friendships, law schools had been a breeze so far. Now time skipping to my twenty third birthday which was soon to come on one of my favorite days of the year... Halloween.

I hadn't put much thought into my birthday, and I never really did nor planned to. I liked staying home cuddled up on my forest green couch, answering the door for little makeup and costume covered kids, hating the idea of being worshiped or sung to by people that didn't even give half a shit about me any other day of the year.

Birthdays have always been a forced communication day for me, one of the only days I spoke to somebody or something other than my tv and a bag of cool ranch Doritos.

Current day time I was on my way to class, my usual professor calling in sick so now we'd have to deal with this seminar substitute guy even earlier than intended.

I've heard a lot of people say Aaron Hotchner can be quite an ass hat at his seminars, so I wasn't necessarily filled with joy to hear the surpising news.

I've always had A's in all of my classes, so if this entitled son of a bitch even tried to change that, he'll be hearing from my father and his entire law team.

Right as I got to the door it closed, the time reading 9:31 am on my watch. That bitch had closed the door on me. He couldn't give me legit five seconds? Fucking bull. I know he had a chart that showed my attendance somewhere in that room, and that paper and I both knew damn well that I never missed a single day of school.

I went to reach for the handle starting to accept my fate, but the door was locked. Who does this guy think he is?

I started knocking on the door, hell, I started banging on the door. I wasn't embarrassed in the slightest, considering half the class were forty some year old Karen's with full time jobs and three kids at home.


The tall man whom I presumed to be Aaron Hotchner opened the door, my body pushing past his and walking right in. It might've been a bit rude, but he'd started the feud by locking me out.

"Elle Young, care to tell us why you're late?"

I turned on my heels, the image of him leaned against the wooden teachers desk with his arms knit tight together soon to be engraved in my brain.

"I was just over a minute late, never missing a single day of class in my entire life. Therefore, I feel that you can cut me a little slack since my attendance isn't only astounding, but I have the highest grade in this class. Thanks."

I slung my shoulder bag over my body, dropping it on the floor then plopping down in a seat. I'm sure what he'd asked me was reasonable to any other human being, but I had no reason to reason with him. He was a substitute for crying out loud. Why'd he care why I was a minute late anyway?

"Yeah, but you were still late. Do you think in the court of law they're going to accept you being a minute late? No, because they won't care about your reputation, nor your perfect grades."

I was slightly taken back when he matched my energy, but I let my poker face shine through. He was scanning my body for a tell, but I didn't give him one. I sat still, my eyes glued to his.

"Being late, sorry tardy once by a singular minute, will not ruin my reputation."

He'd began to turn around, but he whipped right back towards me and started walking my way.

"Really? So I guess my decades of work have no right telling you that your little fantasy world you've created in your head isn't real? Here's a reality check for you, if you're representing a client and you're late... sorry, tardy... you'll be fired on the spot."

He shut his attendance book once he was finished, his lips slightly upturned once he stood up.

"As I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted-"

I scoffed. Could this guy be any more of an ass? Maybe I was over thinking it, but he seemed like an all around residential asshole.

Maybe it was just my daddy issues, but the way his Rolex matched perfectly with his deep blue slacks, his designer tie tied like it were on the cover of a magazine, and his shirt tucked like he'd been getting ready to walk down a runway... It was so easy to hate him. Easier to hate him then to like him for sure.


After two hours of knit picking me and solely me, class was over, the small smirk left on Hotchners face telling me he was very pleased with himself. Just as I was about to leave, I felt a small pull on my arm.

"Misses Young, I ask that you can stay back for just a moment? A minute at best."

I let out a long sigh before turning around, the large class room now empty like a dark alleyway in the middle of the night.

"Mhm, what is it, dickwad?"

I crossed my arms, his eyebrows raising slightly, but the little grin on his face told me that he wasn't mad. He was anything but mad. He almost seemed amused,

"I know you definitely don't like me, but some of your skills... they don't really seem very- lawyer like to me. Are you sure you've chosen the right path?"

I scoffed, uncrossing my arms then moving them to his desk. I leaned in so my face was in his, turning my head and looking him up and down before I spoke.

"I know you've looked at my file, so let me cut it short. My father is Kian Young. Kian is one of the best attorneys of law in the state. So for you to stand there and tell me of all people that I shouldn't be a lawyer isn't only an insult to me, but my family as well."

I paused.

"I can tell by the way your eyes melted into your nose that you're embarrassed, and by the way your hands are tightly knit together that you're nervous. Do I intimate you, Mr. Hotchner?"

My eyes stared straight into his, waiting for him to throw something back at me, but he instead just stood up and walked right next to where I'd been bent over.

He pulled me up from my bent position, forcing the hair away from my ear before he began to whisper.

"I know exactly who your father is, and he's not only a dirty lawyer but a dirty man. He does law for money, not enjoyment. Just like his father, and his fathers father did, and so on. I'm offering you a suggestion. Come work for me, at the FBI. Hey, if you don't like it your father has plenty of money to waste on you finishing law school. Here's my card, think about it. Profiling fits you a lot better than fucking people over for a large payout it seems."

He sent me a small glare before opening my palm and shoving his card in it, all his information along with where he worked printed on the thin blue and white piece of paper.

Me as an fbi agent? Who the fuck did this man think I was...


UH HI LOL HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED. Also, so there's NO confusionnnnn- this character by no means is Elle Greenway, nor is she trying to be Elle Greenway. Elle Young is my very own OC that I have created, for the soul purpose of building her character and story all on my own.

I do not own Aaron Hotchner, nor do I own his story or any of the other Criminal Minds characters mentioned later on.


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