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We pulled up to a large brick house, it looking somewhat like my fathers. Smaller, but similar. The area around was very desolate, my hands and mind perfectly in sync as I reached for my gun.

I hopped out of the car unwillingly, the front door swinging opened on its own as Hotch knocked on it.

"Dr. Regan!"

I felt iffy, the door creaking further and further until it was wide opened.

"It's opened, come in!"

Her voice was far too gleeful for this. Hotch and I both knew, or so I thought we did.

"Are you alright?"

I stayed back, keeping myself unseen and hidden behind him. We went back to back, that way we could get a view from every angle.

"Agent Hotchner? I got Agent Rossi's message."

Why wasn't she coming out? Usually when somebody walks into my house without me greeting them, I jump to see them and make sure it really is them. With a knife held in my hand of course.

"Doctor, you're in danger. You need to leave the house."

The house was dark, a few dimmed lights roaming around. Somebody clearly didn't want to be seen.

"I understand. I'm in the study."

We approached, my mind and body still on edge. This wasn't right...

"I'm so glad you're here! You need to see this, he wants you to see this."

I really don't give a shit what he wants me to see. I thought in my head, not wanting to piss Aaron off anymore than I already had in the car.

She waved a knife in front of us, much like the one I'd kept tucked away in my bedside table incase the gun sticking out from the corner of my bed weren't enough.


Hotch separated from me to the woman, the woman falling to the floor dramatically as she gasped for air. I stayed put, though. I wasn't about to be next. Cruel, but I heard the fucking stories. I'm good.

Gas then sprayed from out of nowhere, my body jumping to the right as Aaron started to aimlessly shoot. I was looking around, but I couldn't see anything until a black figure hit Aaron over the head.

I went to shoot him, but he pointed the gas at me threateningly. Why hadn't he sprayed me? I guess now wasn't the best time to be playing pick me.

"Are you just going to sit there, sit down! Enjoy the show."

The mans lips curled up, his mood was completely relaxed. Yeah, I needed some of whatever he was on.

I did as he told me too, my gun held tight to my chest. I didn't want to seem like a threat, and Aaron was already on the ground. The man was much bigger than me, and if I missed his head he could easily pull the gun from my chest and aim it right back at me. I couldn't tell if he had on a vest, but I'd almost completely forgotten about mine.

I watched as he stared at Aaron, but neither said a word.


He didn't look at me, only at the man and his phone.

"Hotch, please look at me!"

I grabbed at my hair, sliding down the wall in distress.

"What do you see when you look at me?"

That was the first word I could comprehend from the man, Hotchners eyes flickering.

"Do you see, Mr. Scratch..?"

Apocalypse ; Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now