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I woke up to a ding sound coming from my phone, gritting my teeth when I saw it was only five in the morning. I've been getting up a bit later than I used to these days, and this sudden 'awakening' was not something I'd been necessarily craving.

Hotchner: "I'm coming over."

I rolled my eyes at the text, not even bothering to respond as I pulled a pillow over my head hoping he couldn't find his way in.

Within a minute or two I heard a knock at the door, that followed by a rattling sound on the lock. Usually I'd get up and grab my gun, but at this point if it really was a killer, let them kill me. It's too fucking early for this shit.

"Pretty girl, you should know better than to keep a key under the mat."

I breathed out, watching from the corner of my eye as he walked over to the side of my bed like a mother when you're sick. In my case, my mother being one of my fathers 'house girls.' Our relationship had been getting better recently, but I still despise him for some of the things he did. Especially for how he treated those ladies. Such sweet ladies they were... they deserved better, much better than my father.

"You should know better than to break and enter, SSA Aaron Hotchner."

I rolled over, my back turned away from him as I faced the wall of windows to my right.

"Are you mad at me?"

I fell flat on my back, throwing my pillow at the door.

"Bad aim, thank god you don't shoot like that."

He waved the pillow he'd caught at me, my eyes slumping to the back of my head.

"Haha, so funny. You should join the NFL."

I finally sat up, my arms stretching far above my head.

"You don't control me, you know that?"

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still ticked off about how controlling he'd gotten during the last case. I threw my feet off the edge of my pale pink sheets and onto the floor, walking into the bathroom and running my hands up and down my frame.

I'd finally started to redecorate my place the way I wanted, my work in progress relationship with my father turning us both into very awful, but fun interior designers. Believe it or not tacky color schemes was something we had in common. We also both really liked Pottery barn.

"I didn't know you were so independent."

I turned, a smirk lingering on his face as he grabbed at the top of the door frame.

"Pretty girl."

He pulled me in by the waist, his hands hugging my hips as he kissed my cheek continuing to go down my neck from behind.

"I can't keep just seeing you like this, Aaron. This little 'fling' we have going on... it makes me feel used."

I shoved his hands away, attempting to turn on the sink and pat my face with water, but he clearly had other plans. He grabbed me by the neck, spinning me so I was pushed up and against the counter.

"What do you want me to say to that, Elle? I'm using you? Please use me too?"

He cocked a brow, but I just shook my head pulling away and brushing past him.

"Do you like me or something? Is that it? You wanna be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

His eyes narrowed as he followed me down that hall, my arms wrapping tighter and tighter around my body before he yanked me back by my ponytail.

"No, I guess I'm just using you."

He laughed.

"Describe using?"

I smirked.

"I don't like you, Sir."

He dropped my hair, drawing his fingers up my arm and down my elbow. His other hand pushed some hair out of my face, as the other fell and ran up and down my face.

"Say it to my face then."

I rolled my eyes.

"You're a smart girl, Elle. Don't downplay yourself now."

"I don't like you, and I'm not downplaying anybody."

He pulled away, his hands cupping my cheeks as he searched my eyes for a tell.

"You sure?"

He turned his head to the side a bit, a small grin spreading on his face before he kissed my cheek and ran out the door shutting it without a sound.

I walked over to my computer, googling the definition to make sure my brain hadn't completely rotted. "Downplay"

Learn to pronounce
make (something) appear less important than it really is.

Maybe I was downplaying what we had, or maybe I wasn't and he was just trying to get in my head...

I pushed away from my desk, my office chair rolling away and all the way back and into the wall. I looked down at the street, little ant sized Aaron standing outside his car.

I didn't fully despise him, but I didn't necessarily love him either... I called the only other person that knew about what we truly had going on, and the one I knew could give me the drunk advice I truly needed-


"Hey, Nat..."

My thumb was half way in my mouth, my bare feet sliding across the floor like I was walking on ice.

"Elle! Hi, yay, hi!"

I laughed.

"I'm surprised you answered so early."

I heard her groan, along with somebody else mumbling close beside her.

"Girl, I haven't even went to bed yet."

That makes a lot more sense.

"This guy fucked me all night, he has a big dick."

"Well, that's nice... so, what do you think of-"

She started laughing, my end of the call falling dead silent.

"Are we talking about Mr. perfect again? You like him, don't you?"

I could hear her drunk giggling like one of those annoying drunk girls in a shitty romcom movie, the guy next to her kissing her head before I heard a toilet flush.

"Natalie! I- no... I- maybe? I don't-"

She cut me off, the sound of wind blowing across the speaker.

"You totally do! Oh my god... I'm coming over."

I sighed.

"Natalie, I have work-"

The call went dead before I could add anything else, my body plopping back down and in my chair as I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.


this is short besties but i wanted to post something hehe😩🤞🏼 also happy almost 4th if y'all live in the us or wtv‼️

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