Part 4

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The next day rolled around pretty quickly as I was super anxious, yet excited to be attending my first real college party. And with seven insanely hot guys, no less.

I finished any remaining homework I had and blew air up at my stray hairs. I really hated communications... I decided I would write my speech on something I was passionate about so I chose the career statistics of those in performing arts, specifically dance.

I gathered some resources on my topic and called it quits after a while. Glancing at my phone, my stomach dropped once I realized I had barely any time to get ready. I had about two hours to shower, choose an outfit, do my makeup and my hair! Rush mode was definitely switched on as I raced the clock.

"Shit, shit, shit," I muttered to myself as I scrambled around trying to get my life together. I took a brief shower and as my hair was drying in a towel, I rummaged my closet for anything that I deemed cute enough for a college "kickback."

Of course, I struggled and tried on outfit after outfit becoming less and less satisfied with the last. I groaned and laid on my floor in defeat.

"This is hopeless. I have nothing to wear," I complained, surrounded by endless piles of clothing all over my room.

Almost about to give up, I laid down on my back on the floor and suddenly spotted something in my peripherals. Rolling over, I noticed one lone hanger still swinging in my closet.

Crawling to my closet and grabbing the hanger, I examined the piece of clothing. It was a black shorts romper with slight lacey front detailing and a low cut back with thin cross-crossing straps.

"Okay... okay, I can work with this," I declared with determination. It wasn't too casual, but also wasn't too dressy.

With haste, I threw the romper on and checked the mirror. The neckline of the outfit was very flattering and and crossover strap design behind was very pretty and eye-catching. Looking down at my bare legs, I thanked the heavens that I decided to do a quick shave in my brief shower.

I did a happy dance and rushed to do my makeup. The makeup look was kept simple with a slight eyeliner wing, warm smokey eyeshadow, and a tinted lip gloss. My hair was pretty much dried by the time I completed my makeup, so I finished the drying process with a hairdryer. Giving up and running short on time, I pinned some sections to the back of my head and loosened the front pieces to let some hair frame my face.

Tying the laces on my classic black Doc Martens, I stepped back and looked myself over in the mirror. I gave myself a little twirl and nodded in satisfaction.

It was go time.

Checking the GPS, I made an awkward toothy expression when I saw that it estimated I would be about forty five minutes late due to me taking forever to get ready. But, I mean, whoever showed up to a party on time, right? I grabbed my pepper spray for safety, keys, locked my front door, and headed for my car.

When I arrived at the address, my jaw dropped to the floor. Their house — more like mansion — was insane. It was probably twenty times the size of my small apartment dorm and had a front yard. I could only assume they had a large backyard, too.  Their neighboring houses were also of the same wealthy stature and I suddenly felt poor and out of place in my ratty old car as I parked on their street.

Spotting Jungkook's Mimi, I relaxed a bit. I gave her a solid pat as I passed the vehicle in the driveway and walked to the front door. I was about to ring the doorbell when I read a sign on the front door saying, "IT'S OPEN! COME IN!"

With my hand on the doorknob, I paused and second guessed whether I should turn around and head back home, when a voice behind me made me jump.


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