chapter 14

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Once we got there we layed the files out on the table. I began to read Mallory's file and something unbelievable caught my eye. Mallory was pronounced dead March 2. Only two days after she went missing. "Zack. Didn't you say Mallory was still alive?" I asked confused. "Yeah why?" He asked walking over to me. I handed him the paper and he read the same thing I had read moments earlier. "Oh. This can't be right. Shes still alive. I can feel it in my heart!" He yelled. He threw down the papers and walked out the front door. "Zack where are you going!?" I yelled. "I need a drink!" He said as he slammed the car door shut. Leaving me standing in the door way. I walked back inside and shut the door. "I guess It's just me and you dominico." I said as I pet the pups head. I grabbed Jacobs file from the table and stared at it for a moment. Then I opened it. Pictures of our home. The bloody mess it was. Broken glass. Finger prints. Pictures of fibers and then something caught my eye. I looked closer at the picture of the dining room. There was something in the plant. A camera? What the fuck? I went outside and opened the garage door. There she was. Sitting pretty. "I've always wanted one of these!" I ran back inside and found the keys. I locked the house up and went back to the garage. "Zacks gonna kill me when he fonds out I rode his crotch rocket." I put the helmet on, got on the bike and started her up. "Hopefully I don't kill my self. " I chuckled.

*30 minutes later*

I pulled up to my house and parked the crotch rocket in the back. I went to the back window in our bedroom. The one I always left unlocked. I propped it open and slipped in. Our room didn't smell like it used to. I frowned at the sight. "What a mess." Tears stung at my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. "No. There is No time to cry." I told myself as I walked towards the bedroom door. Then I heard something. Voices? I walked out of the bedroom stealthily. I pointed my gun at the boy facing away from me. "Turn around slowly or I'll watch your body drop like a rock." He did. "Were not trying to steal anything. We were just curios what happened." He said as he shyed away. "Don't move. You really want to know what happened here?" I asked. "Yeah we do." He said. "We?" Then a younger boy stepped out from behind the counter. "Well. My boyfriend was kidnapped by a very bad man and that man also killed my best friend." I said as I looked at the little boy. "Wait this is your house?" He asked. "Yeah. What's left of it I guess." I looked where the blood that was once a very deep crimson red is now a old brownish color. They didn't clean this place up at all. "I'm sorry we will leave." He said as he started walking towards the door. "Wait!" I grabbed his arm. He looked at me with fear. "Here take this." I handed him 40 dollars. "Go buy yourself some clothes or something Okay?" I said as I rubbed his shoulder. He smiled at me." Thanks!" His little brother ran up to me and hugged me. I smiled down at the little boy. "Here's some for you too!" I handed him a 20. They both left smiling. I got lost in the moment for a second then I remembered what I was here for. I went to the plant and grabbed the camera out of it. I stared out the big glass window in our living room. I smiled remembering the first time me and Jake decided this was the house we wanted. I stood in front of the window and he came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. 'So what do you think?' He asked. 'It's perfect!' I smiled up at him. I shook my head. Now he's gone. And who knows if I'll ever see him again. I walked to the front door and locked it. Then I went back to my bedroom and slipped back thought the window. The crotch rocket was waiting for me. I got on and started it up. I put the helmet on and headed back towards Zack's place.

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