Chapter one

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Todays gonna be a good day I said as I breathed in the crisp fall air. The sound of leaves crunching beneathe my feet made me think of how beautiful fall was. How we get to witness everything die and then in the spring sprout up and become beautiful again.I feel the chilly air swirl through my hair making my ears cold. I walk to school everyday. Some people tell me its dangerous but I dont really care. I think its beautiful outside when its cold. Sometimes I feel like im being followed but I try not to let my imagination wander too much. Sometimes I hear whispers in the wind telling me theres something wrong but I never listen. Well now I wish I had.

* About 8hours later

I waited at the rotc door for Jacob just like I do everyday he has off. I breathed in the air. It was warmer not as chilly as it was this morning. I wonder how the weather here is so bipolar. One minute its cold the next 75° degrees outside. My thoughts are cut short by a voice I know. '' babe are you ready to go?'' He asked as he reached for my hand. ''Yeah.'' I say as I entertwine our fingers. Jacob and I have been dating for almost 3 months now. I can honestly say I dont deserve him but he stays and im thankful for that. '' what are you thinking about?'' He looks at me questiongly. I finally told him the truth,but it wasnt by choice it felt like it might be the last time I got to say it. '' Im thinking about how much I dont deserve you. How much shit you take from me,but you still stay. How im never gonna be good enough, or how im never gonna be that girl you can make your friends jealous with because im not pretty.'' I blurted out. I had finally cracked. ''why dont you think your pretty?'' he asked as he unlocked the truck doors and got in. ''Because. Look around Jacob. Look at all these beautiful girls. Their all perfect and skinny and have amazing personalities and then there's me. The bipolar, world class fuck up.'' I said as I stared out the window. He looked at me.'' You really dont see how beautiful you are.'' he said bluntly as he started up his truck.'' I wish I could if that means anything to you. Maybe I wouldnt be so self conscious and bipolar all the time.'' I whisper. He looks at me one more time. '' I love you.'' he says quietly. '' I love you too babe.'' I whisper. He turns up the music and starts singing like he always does. He really does have a beautiful voice. Im so damn glad hes mine. I stare at him while he sings. He looks over and starts looking at me funny.''what babe?'' He asks. ''nothing.'' I say as a smile grows on my face. He shakes his head and starts singing again. I roll down the window and stick my hand out of it. I love the way the warm air feels on my skin. We pull into his work so we can go get his check. We both get out and go inside. He tells the clerk at the front counter to go get his manager. We get his check and go across the street to cash it. '' babe where do you want to go eat?'' he asks. '' Taco bell.'' I say and he looks at me and smiles. Its like we can read eachothers minds cause we always know what eachother wants. We cash his check amd drive down to Taco Bell. We get out and go inside. ''Babe what do you want?'' he asks. '' ummm I want a beefy five layer with a large drink.'' I say as I smile up at him. '' okay. We need four beefy five layers and two large drinks.'' He tells the cashier. ''okay that'll be $8.94 please.'' The cashier tells Jacob. He hands him the money and grabs our cups. '' Your going to be number 326.''the cashier tells us. '' thanks you have a nice day.'' jacob tells him. "you too.'' he says. ''Where do you want to sit?'' he asks. ''Where we always sit.'' I say as I fill up my cup with cherry pepsi. I slide into the booth and Jacob sits next to me. ''number 326.'' Jacob gets up and gets our food. We sit there and make small talk once in a while as we eat. After we're done we get in his truck and go to his house. His step moms there so jacob goes and lets her know we're here. I sit down on his bed and tap the spot next to me. He puts on brony music and comes and lays next to me. We lay their for a few minutes just listening to eachother breathe. I lean over and kiss him softly. ''I love you'' I say quietly. '' I love you too.'' he smiled into another kiss. We layed there and held eachother until we fell asleep.

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