Chapter 16

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I went through Lucas Reeds file one last time. "Ha! Gotcha bitch!" I held up a sheet of paper with an address on it. "Is that what I think it is?" Zack asked. "Yes Zack. This is the place where that stupid prick lives." I opened the front door. I stopped and grabbed the necklace around my neck. I put the class ring on my finger and kissed it. 'I'm coming to get you baby.' I whispered. Zack followed me out to the car and made sure to lock the house up first. We got in and sat their for a minute. "So this is it. What happens if we do find Jacob and Mallory? Do we go back to our normal lives and forget about this friendship?" He questioned. "Hell No. You get Mallory out of this town and you make sure you know my phone number by heart. I'm always gonna be here for you." I said as I put my seat belt on. He smiled and put his seat belt on and started the car up. It took us a while to get to Lucas Reeds house. It was sacluded and in the middle of no where. We parked a few feet away from the driveway just to be safe. I looked at Zack, scared of what was gonna happen next. He popped open the glove box and pulled two pistols out. "Their locked and loaded. Were gonna need these." He said as he handed me one. The metal felt cold in my hand. "I'm gonna kill him. Even when we do get Jake and Mallory out. I'm killing him." I looked at him with hatred and pain in my eyes. " I know. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna call it in as a self defense case. He's not leaving this house unless he's in a body bag." He clicked the safety off and looked at me. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Hell Yeah. let's go get Jake and Mallory back! " I openend the car door and he did the same. We shut them quietly and snuck up to the house. I looked through the window and l saw him. The monster who took My Jake and Zacks Mallory away. "Chantal c'Mon. We will deal with him later." He said as he opened a cellar door. We walked down a flight of creaky old steps. I see what looks like dry blood covering the cellar floor. Zack looked at me pain in his eyes. I felt my chest tighten as tears slid down my face. We walked down the rest of the stairs to stand in what looked like a torture chamber. "Zack. Did you hear that?" I asked as I heard quiet moans and gaspes for air. "Yeah. Where is it coming from?" He asked looking around. We both turn around and there on two separate beds were Jacob and Mallory. Jacob was shifting around but Mallory wasn't moving. We ran to their bedside. I cut the ropes around Jacobs ankles and feet. Zack did the same to Mallory. "She has a pulse." He whispered. Then we heard the cellar door slam shut. Zack and I looked at eachother. "You shouldn't have came. Now your going to be another one of my torture dolls." The voice echoed through the cellar. We came all this way just to be trapped.

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