Chapter 93

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Word traveled fast about Bayne's severe condition. They could hear his screams turn on and off all day. I spoke to my father and Nadine about what needed to be done.

"Romulus and Raven don't know what Bree did to him yet. We need to find Bree. We need to sniff her out."

"I'll send the whole pack on it and then some. I'll talk to the other packs too." Ulrich said.

"She's been gone for almost a year. How are we going to find her?" Nadine asked.

"I talked to Raven. She'll be bringing some of Bree's stuff over. Every wolf will have to sniff it and find her scent."

"What about a tracking spell? Could you and Raven do one of those?" Asked Nadine.

"We can try, but Bree is probably too far to track."

"It's like she disappeared of the ends of the earth." Nadine said.

"The wolves will find her. We will not let Bayne die on the whims of a temperamental witch." My dad said.

My father summoned all the wolves except Bayne to the grand hall. The halls were usually filled with chatter, but that day they were as silent as a poker game.

"Thank you all for coming. As you may of heard, one of our dear guardians, Bayne Greene, is in tremendous pain. We believe this is caused by a vengeful witch. Bayne has done a lot for the pack, even when he didn't want to. We must return the favor by finding the witch who did this to him. Raven." My father called her up.

She brought a box full of items and began handing them out. The objects were things Bree abandoned when she fled; a hairbrush with hair still in it, a pair of boots, dark nail polish, and a pillow were just a few of the items passed around.

"These are her things. Take them with you. Get familiar with her scent. If we want to save Bayne, we must find her."

"We will separate into groups going in different directions. Line up over here to find out which group you are in, and who will be leading your group." Dakota instructed.

There was no resistance, and no smart comments from anyone. The severity of the situation was understood by all.

After the meeting was done, and everyone knew the plan for the night, I returned to Bayne's side. Romulus had just finished performing an ultra sound on his stomach.

"Did you find anything?" I asked him.

"Nothing conclusive. I need to wait for Raven, she what she thinks. Are you heading out with them?" Romulus asked.

"I am. I wish I could turn at will, then I'd look all day and night."

The hunt began that night. We split up into several groups, led by Dakota, Ulrich, and Sirius. The first night was unsuccessful. A trail of her scent couldn't even be found. I felt frustrated. I had to dedicate every second into helping. I didn't sleep.

The next morning, Raven and Romulus summoned me into the healing room. I had feared for the worst. I brought Nadine with me.

"Did you figure it out? What's wrong with him?" I busted through the door.

"We wanted to tell both of you." Raven put her hand over Bayne.

"Awake." She whispered.

He aggressively grabbed his side and began to roar. Romulus slipped on rubber surgical gloves and pulled out a needle.

"This should last for a bit longer than the pills." Romulus said, rolling Bayne over and pressing the needle into his back.

"What is that?" Nadine asked.

"Epidural. Secured some from a nearby hospital."

"Isn't that what they use on women giving birth?" Nadine asked.

"Yes, don't worry. I'll save a shot for you in a few months." Romulus said, pulling the needle out. He disposed of the gloves and needle after. Bayne's painful screams slowly began to lessen. He rolled back onto his back.

"How do you feel now?" Romulus asked.

"Still painful. But I can tolerate it right now." He said. He pulled his hand down to his side and made a squeezing fist.

"We will try to make this as quick as possible." Romulus said.

"What did you find?" I asked them.

"I was looking through spell books. I couldn't find anything in our house about it. I had Marcus help look, too. We got some spell books from other covens. Spell books that are banned."

"Banned spell books?" I asked.

"Yes. They are dark spells. Written by dark covens, covens like your mother was from." She explained.

"I searched and searched. Until I found a very complex spell. It takes months to do."

"What is it?" I said impatiently.

"There's something growing inside of Bayne. It's a dark mass." She said.

"A what?" Nadine said.

"She's growing something evil inside him. It's a demon like creature that will do her bidding. It will grow inside of him for months. It will be extremely painful, but the pain won't kill him."

"Why can't we just remove the evil parasite before it grows any bigger?" I asked.

"We can't remove it. It's woven inside of him. If we try to remove it, he will die." Romulus spoke up.

"It doesn't stop there, I'm afraid.  Once the demonic mass is full grown, it will take over Bayne's body. It will be living inside of him. It will look like him, but when that happens, Bayne will die. It will take over his body, and do whatever Bree wants it to."

"How did she even manage to do something so powerful? Something so evil?" Nadine asked.

"Well, it appears that there are traces of her magic left in Bayne that were never removed. That gives her the upper hand. Plus a year to find and perfect this terrible spell...She wants him to die, no matter the cost of her own well being."

"Let's get it over with, then. Kill me now so it doesn't get to take over my body." Bayne spoke up.

"No! We will not be killing you! Enough of that!" I spoke up.

"We still have time to stop it. The wolves are hunting for Bree every night. We will find her before it takes over." I stroked his soaked hair back out of his face.

"Raven, we need to try to do a tracking spell on her." I said.

"She's probably too far out of range."

"I know, but we have to try. We will read every spell book during the day, looking for a cure. And every night, we will hunt for her. Don't give up, Bayne. I will save you."

I wanted him to believe me, but I knew he didn't.

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