Chapter 94

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•Bayne's POV•

The pain was insufferable. My head felt like it was being beat with a sledge hammer. My chest felt like a car was sitting on top of it, making any breath painful to take in or push out. My stomach felt like a hard rock that was being smashed by an axe into pieces. On top of all that, my body burned, like I was in hell.

One of the worst parts? Watching Erin struggle. He worked relentlessly, day and night, trying to help me. I was aware there was no use in it. Bree was getting what she has always wanted. Me to die a slow, painful, death.

Romulus continued giving me drugs and shots to ease the pain as best as he could. Raven used her sleeping spells to keep me asleep at night. She would sit by me all night, making sure I stayed under the sleeping spell. That way, I wouldn't transform. The spell had to be reapplied almost every ten to fifteen minutes.

I covered my body in cool wash cloths in attempt to control my temperature. Any food I tried to eat came right back up. Romulus hooked me up to an IV about a week in.

One day, he was taking my temperature. He pulled the thermometer out from under my tongue and examined it.

"Your fever is rising. It's almost at 102 degrees Fahrenheit." He said.

"Great. I already feel like I'm burning in hell, could it get any hotter?" I said.

"Drink this." Romulus handed me a bottle of ice cold water. I did my best to keep it down.

"Romulus, I need you to promise me something."

"Not another promise." He said.

"I wasn't wrong. I knew this was going to happen. Bree is making me suffer. At least it's not Erin. I wouldn't be able to see him like this."

"And how to you think he feels? He isn't going to rest until your better again."

"I know. I told him to get some sleep, but he doesn't listen. You and I both know this isn't going to get better." I said.

He didn't say anything. He silently basked in my truthful statement.

"I want you to kill me. When the demon-monster thing takes over, you need to do it. Before I hurt anyone." I said.

"You'll already be dead."

"I know, but Erin won't see it that way. The monster will be wearing my skin. You need to kill me, before it hurts anyone. Before it hurts Erin. I would ask you to kill me sooner, before it takes over, but Erin would never be okay with that."

"You really expect me to be able to kill you?"

"You're Romulus. You'll do what needs to be done, and if that means killing me to protect everyone, I know you will do it."

There was a moment of silence.

"I will do it. I will kill you. But only when that time ocomes." He said.

"You must protect Erin. Bree might still try to kill him after I'm dead."

"I'll do whatever I can."

"Thank you, Romulus. I owe you more than my life."

"I know, it's alright. You and Erin are my friends. I can't turn down a friend in need."

"Always have to be the hero, don't you?"

"I'm not the only one. You're just as much of a hero as I am."

I pushed out a huff, which sent a painful tightness throughout my chest.

My fever continued to rise day by day. When I ate a lot of hot sauce, my tongue would feel the sting of the spice. My entire body felt like that, along with the sweltering sweat that ran down me.

"His fever has increased significantly. It's almost at 104." Romulus told me and Erin.

"Did you find anything?" Romulus asked him.

"No, we're still looking. I'll need more of that no-sleep potion." Erin said. Bags were visible under his eyes.

"You asked for two bottles the other day. You know that stuff shouldn't be abused. You need to sleep."

"I'm fine. How can we lower his fever?"

"We've tried cold compresses, giving him cold water. It doesn't seem to be enough."

"Just stick me in a snow bank." I said.

"Not a bad idea, but I've gotten something better. We will need a lot of ice." Romulus said.

Romulus and Erin into the bathroom connected to his healing room and began filling the tub with ice cubes. They dumped several pounds of ice cubes out of their bags and into the tubs.

"I don't know if it'll break his fever, but it might make him feel better for a bit." Romulus said.

"Anything to make him feel better is better than nothing." I heard Erin say.

Romulus left to give us some privacy.

"Ready?" Erin stood over me. I nodded. Erin scooped me up into his arms. My body sweat caused me to clench to his clothes.

We made it to the freezing tub. Erin pulled down my shorts and help me in the tub. My skin felt like bacon, sizzling on a frying pan.

I laid back in the tub and let the ice burn my skin. After a few minutes of the sizzling pain, my body began to cool down. Erin watched over me like a hawk.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

"It's alright, Bayne. I love you. For better, for worse."

"We aren't married." I said.

He looked down at me with his sad eyes.

"We were about to be."

There was a silence. I had hoped Bree was going to give up. I should've known better.

"This is just going to get worse. Please consider-."

"Consider what? Killing you! Don't even say that!" Erin snapped.

I was quiet. I didn't want to fight with him. I wasn't sure when our last moments together would be. I would have died then if it meant an end to his pain.

"I'm not going to give up on you. I never will."

"I don't want you to grieve forever. I want you to find happiness again after I'm gone."

"Bayne!" He pleaded.

The ice soon began to melt. I began to feel like I was in a boiling pot.

Erin helped me out and returned me to bed.

"I'm going to try a tracking spell with Raven. I'll be back as soon as I can."

He kissed my forehead. I knew his expectations were unrealistic, and I knew he was going to die trying.

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