6 | Punishments

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Chapter 6 - Punishments

Marinette's POV

"Adrien why did you bring me here?" I asked as I gazed at the wonderful view.

"Because this is your punishment." He smiled.

This doesn't look like a punishment to me.

"Hold up Adrien, isn't this place really expensive?" I asked as I looked at the prices on the menu.

I never ate at any expensive places before. It's not like we couldn't afford it, we just didn't have time to go because of the bakery.

"Yeah so? I eat here every other day." Adrien shrugged.

The life of the upper class I guess.

My family isn't crazy rich but we earn a decent amount of money because of the bakery.

I've never been a massive fan of letting other people pay for me. I like paying for things myself.

When other people pay for me, I feel the need to pay them back.

"I'm sorry but you're not going to spend a penny on me. This is too much" I gasped as I began to walk away.

"Hold on princess, you're not going anywhere." Adrien chuckled. This is your punishment so you can't back out."

"I'm not going to let you waste money on me it's-"

"Sit down." Adrien commanded.

I sighed as I obeyed his command. I gave up on arguing because I knew he wasn't going to listen to me either way.

"Looks like Miss attitude can be good after all." He smirked, "What's the big deal anyway?"

"I'm not a fan of letting other people pay for me. I like to pay for myself." I sighed.

"If you're worried about the price then I've got it covered." Adrien frowned.

"It's just, I would never forgive myself if someone spent so much money on me. It's your money, you shouldn't use it on me." I said as I furrowed my brows.

"Why?" Adrien asked curiously.

"I don't know. It's something that was introduced to me when I was young and stuck with me ever since." I shrugged.

"Hmm okay. I'm still ordering you food whether you like it or not." he smirked as I rolled my eyes.

This boy.

Adrien ordered the food and when it came we both ate it in comfortable silence.

Adrien ordered rice and curry because he said it was his favourite food and one of the only foods he would order from this place.

I, on the other hand, ordered spaghetti and meatballs. I was a massive fan of the way Italians made their pasta so when I saw Italian style pasta then I obviously had to choose it.

I decided to open up a little bit to Adrien. There was no point closing myself off. I could at least try to enjoy the evening.

Once we had finished eating the food and the tables were cleaned, I walked over to the railings and sat on one of the benches to watch the sunset.

Rosy pink clouds stretched across the sky and the sun started to fade away making room for the moon to have its time to shine.

I soon felt a presence next to me.

"I bet you've have dated many girls." I chuckled as I stared off into the distance.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Adrien tense up.

"Actually, I've never dated a girl." He replied hesitantly.


"Wait what?" I turned to look at him. "Most of the girls are crazy in love with you. You're telling me you haven't dated one of them?" I curiously asked.

You can't blame me for being in shock here. I would've thought that Adrein was the type to get with a girl for a bit then break up with them once he was bored.

He does have a reputation for being a heartbreaker afterall.

"No, they only like me because of my money. They don't care about me at all."


"That's a bit sad." I said as I furrowed my brows.

It must be hard for him to find someone that actually loves him for him and not just for money.

It must be sad knowing that people are only chasing after you to use you for money and popularity.

Not like I'll ever have that problem cause I'm definitely not popular and I'm not super rich either.

I looked into the distance once more and let my mind run wild until it could naturally calm itself. I was always a nature girl. Always looking at nature when I was sad or I just needed time to think. It was relaxing. It was therapeutic for me.

Looking and listening to the sounds of nature always calmed me down.

I was so engaged with nature that I didn't notice that Adrien was silently taking pictures of me.

"Are you okay there? I know you want to keep some sort of memory of me on your phone but at least tell me you are going to take the pictures." I giggled as I turned towards Adrien.

"Oopsies." He shrugged. "You ready to head back?"

"Yeah, let's go." I smiled.

Adrien may be the high school bad boy but deep inside he has a good heart. There is definitely more to him that I don't know. There has to be a reason why he acts bad and it's going to be my job to discover why.


Hey Guys! Another chapter done. How do you feel about Adrien and Marinette opening up to each other? Do you think this is the beginning of their friendship? Have a good day guys!

- Miss Miah

Word count - 905 words

~ Edited ~

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