15 | Videogame lover

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Chapter 15 - Videogame lover

Marinette's POV

I rolled my eyes before taking my medication. When I finished drinking all the water in the glass Adrien gave me, I went and sat down on Adrien's couch.

"Do you have any blankets?" I asked as I began getting myself comfortable.

"Yeah, let me go get it." Adrien stood up and went to his room to collect some blankets.

Whilst he was getting the blanket, I got my phone and immediately saw many missed calls and notifications from Alya and chloe.

Since I had passed out, I obviously didn't tell them where I was. They must've been worried.

They did say they went to my apartment but no one answered.

Once I tell them I'm in Adrien's apartment, I know they will flip.


Then they will make a whole speech about how he likes me and blah blah.

I know it's not true so I don't know why they keep trying to convince me that it is.

Adrien entered the room again with blankets and carefully and neatly covered me in the blanket.

"Thank you Adrien." I smiled. "Do you wanna play some video games or something?" I suggested.

"I'm down" He responded "Wanna play Ultimate Mecha Strike lll"

Yes, please.

"I'm so good at that game, just watch. They say I'm a pro." I smirked.

"A pro? We'll see about that one. Game on." Adrien took out the game and put it on and the two chose their characters.

Adrien may think I have no clue how to play this game but in reality me and my parents used to play it all the time. So I'm pretty good at it. I don't even need to try anymore.

I always win.

Adrien has no chance against me.

"Prepare to lose, Agreste."I smirked.

"We'll see about that one Dupain-Cheng" He smirked back.

He definitely won't be smirking once I beat him.

There were 3 rounds in the game so I came up with a plan.

For the first round, I will play badly just so that Adrien's ego can be boosted.

We need that mega fat ego of his to come out first.

As soon as round 2 starts I will make sure that boy has his jaw hanging. I'll effortlessly beat him.

And by the time round 3 comes it will be some real competition since Adrien will be able to see my skills.

I internally gave myself a round of applause for thinking of an amazing plan then I pressed play and round 1 began.

Not gonna lie, pretending to play badly was hard. Especially since I had been playing this game for years.

Round 1 soon ended and Adrien was declared the winner of round 1.

The game went on and Marinette stuck to her plan. She tried to play badly

"What happened to you being a pro then?" Adrien smirked, "All I see there is a loser."

I raised an eyebrow then smirked.

I didn't bother saying anything.

Round 2 started shortly after and I went straight into the lead. I was winning by 1000 points.

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