16 | No more Mr Nice guy

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Chapter 16 - No more Mr Nice guy

Marinette's POV

Adrien is insane.

That boy didn't let me go for another full day. I was stuck in his apartment for another 24 hours.

His apartment is bigger and cosier than mine though, so I didn't mind too much.

But still.

He took being protective to a whole new level. I wasn't allowed to cook, clean or do any type of work that wasn't related to school.

He was acting like I just came out of surgery.

I only fainted and had a headache and some pain in my arm but that was it. It wasn't anything major.

The following day, I was finally allowed to go back to my apartment.

I sure did miss this place.

As soon as Adrien had gone, I ran straight to my bed and plopped onto my bed. Today was Sunday meaning it was my self care day. I could finally take time to myself and focus on myself.

I went to my wardrobe and decided to pick an outfit for the day. It was a nice and sunny Sunday so I took out a light pink oversized shirt and some black leggings with some white socks.

I decided to leave my hair down for once and let it breathe rather than tying it up.

Once I got myself ready, I went to the bathroom and immediately did my skin care. It had been 2 days since I had properly done my skin care so today I would make it up to myself by putting on a face mask.

After doing my skincare and applying some mascara and lip gloss, I got my pink and white tote bag and packed a hoodie, a thin blanket, my phone, my wallet and keys, my lip gloss, my book, and a water bottle.

I was planning to go to a nearby cafe and get an iced coffee and maybe a croissant or donut if they had any then once I ate my food, I would take my drink and sit on a field and read my book.

It was the perfect way to take time and appreciate life and leave all the stress from school behind.

I left my apartment and started walking to the cafe. I knew for a fact that I needed to get myself a car so that I could go on night time drives.

That's something that has been on my bucket list since forever.

Once I arrived at the cafe, I ordered my drink and got a donut as well before sitting down at a window seat.

I quickly took a picture of my small snack and sent it to the girls.

It was very aesthetically pleasing I must say.

After texting the girls and eating my food, I left the cafe and found a nice area to sit and read my book.

I placed my blanket down on the grass and put my tote bag down before sitting down and beginning to read my book.

As I was reading, a notification popped up on my phone. I ignored it and continued reading but more notifications kept popping up.

Who is it now?

I took my phone out of my bag and looked at the person's name on the screen.


What the hell does that blue boy want?

I sighed before opening his messages and reading them.


Luka: Hello?

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